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Mmm breakfast

haha the reason I stayed as long as i did

A few years back I had a Sense power meter installed and its been great. It took some time to configure and get used to, and for it to detect various devices, but now I can reliably predict my upcoming power bill. And make adjustments as needed.

Whats helpful is it shows the top power consumers. And by paying close attention to that I've cut my bill by at least 1/3.

The problem is software that drives an entire vehicle line is accountable. What you describe would hold an owner accountable. Like blaming a victim of a Toyota for a bug in the cruise control. But not the manufacturer of the software. It's an emerging thing and grey area for existing laws.

This seems like a strawman that isn't related to the individual case here. For Waymo the cars and the software are the same company. Even if they weren't, the car's owner can always blame the manufacturer of the car or any software running in it. That's why we have judges to figure out who's at fault.

Think about the case of stuck accelerators: the driver of the car could be blamed for hitting something, but they say in court that they did not have their foot on the gas. This gets checked out and pushed onto the manufacturer of the car. This is old hat and has a lot of legal precedent. This is why we have recalls for this kind of issue.

While the legal precedent may be a current grey area that doesn't mean it's impossible to give a citation to a driverless car. That is the beginning of getting the grey area into court where a judge can rule on things. Not giving a citation does nothing for anyone other than let Waymo get away from responsibility.

Not only that, but if Waymo got a citation because of the openness of our court system everyone could see how it turns out and what arguments the company is making.

No need for velcro for storage just wrap them in a circle and then gently weave the last foot or so around the circle

I use several clear shoebox sized bins and organize by type. Usb-a, usb-c, audio hdmi, etc etc.

I tried doing ziplock bags but it became a rats nest of bags upon bags full of cables. It was a pain to find a cable quickly.

Another option for frequently used cables are wall hangers where the cables hang down like spaghetti. I use these for audio mostly

Now this is a blog post I could get into!

Part of me questions the ethics of taking money as an employee to build something dangerous, and at the same time seeking protections to speak about it. If truly concerned why still work there?

Maybe not as instantly catastrophic and detrimental but all their efforts have “we had to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki without a warning as the tech and power was too cool” vibes.

I doubt a warning would have changed the moral calculus anyway (it's dubious that the warning would result in a civilian evacuation), but given the war mentality at the time it would have been asking quite a lot from the guys fighting. This was a war in which guys were collecting skulls as trophies, well into a "not in the mood to take prisoners" mentality, in a "not surrendering after your capitol city is firebombed for two hours, killing 100 thousand" mentality. Given this context, expecting one side to warn another about an impending air raid just doesn't seem realistic.

The warning was on the table, so it was realistic, but the people dropping the bomb wanted to blow up a city. The warning was in the form of a demonstration of the power away from a city that could have caused the Japanese to change their path in the war. Instead we destroyed them because we were greedy.

Hand waving away a warning as not valuable because people were extra vicious back then is the exact kind of ignorance I’m talking about. To not even try is pathetic, and just blood lust.

The same for OpenAI, to guarantee you can preach about AI danger to the public while developing the danger is just ignorance of one’s own deeds.

The bomb may have stopped the war for the Japanese but in no way was it ever “the only option” or “the best option”. They did it because they could.

Well try owning an iPhone 15 that keeps hanging when you access the files app. Been restarting this thing every 3 or 4 days

I have this happening once in a while. I know you didn’t mean to single out iPhone 15, but this issue seems to occur in any device with iOS 17 (and all its minor releases till date). I have had to restart my phone several times because of the Files app not responding.

Not only can you not access your files, but you are voluntarily restarting your phone. It seems pretty secure to me!

Might your phone be owned?

I haven't came across the PS5 only title that'll make me upgrade. GTA6 may change that

comparing runtimes should do

Coming from a google meet org I consider the lack of "call someone" a killer feature

unreachability is not a driving feature of communication infrastructure though

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