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Not open source, no thanks

Can you do the same but with bookmarks instead?

Yep we have an integration that allows you to sync your bookmarks. This will grab the content from all your previous bookmarks as well as new bookmarks

>There’s no reason to think that the intentions behind the bill are anything but noble.

Who are these ex-cops kidding?

In the case of the Shadow Brokers, it revealed that those supposed "NOBUS" were low level vulnerabilities that did not need a supercomputer to break.

A vulnerability isn't "NOBUS" just because it exploits an unpublished zero-day. Dual EC was NOBUS because exploiting it required a curve private key that presumably only NSA had.

privacy badger is redundant and unnecessary

privacy badger is useless at best and can do a disservice. uBlock origin can do everything privacy badger does and more. Also it has been known that having both privacy badger and uBlock origin causes conflicts and issues.

Hello! Privacy Badger dev here.

uBlock Origin is indeed an excellent privacy tool. However, uBlock Origin is not a replacement for Privacy Badger (nor is Privacy Badger a replacement for uBlock Origin). For one, uBlock Origin uses manually compiled ad blocker lists, while Privacy Badger automatically learns using heuristics. Both approaches have their pluses and minuses. Our FAQ goes into what makes Privacy Badger different here[1] and here[2].

> Also it has been known that having both privacy badger and uBlock origin causes conflicts and issues.

As far as I know, the two extensions work well together. Could you point me to some of these issues?

[1] https://privacybadger.org/#How-is-Privacy-Badger-different-f...

[2] https://privacybadger.org/#Is-Privacy-Badger-compatible-with...

Which websites have issues with both uBO and Privacy Badger installed?

Privacy Badger uses heuristics, so it is possible to get it wrong, but it gives you a UI to toggle with things and correct its heuristics. Since uBO uses manual filters, you rely on list maintainers for your blocking instead of a heuristic that can deal with new threats that manual lists haven't accounted for yet.

Using both in tandem should be better because you get the adblock lists and something on the lookout for more trackers.

Please, if the issues are there, let's see them.

This extension is asking for a lot of permissions it shouldn't ask for

If you want an alternative that only requests permissions for sites with paywalls, this one is better: https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clea...

This is very dependent on the bot and what it's running on.

This is a study about political bias not conducted by social scientists or experts in political bias using Political Compass as method. It's underwhelming, as expected.

This clip was edited to stitch together different parts without context.

In the first part, he was discussing the impact of AI and technology on police control, and expressed “concern” regarding it.

On the second part, he was referring to his own phone being bugged.


Before sharing anything from wallstreetsilver again, make sure you aren't being played.

concerning how most second level comments get played by WSS. The quality of comments here on HN has declined horribly :(

Thank you.

If the VPN is hosted in America or Europe it's without a doubt logging, otherwise they would not be able to operate legally. Full Spectrum Awareness logically means VPNs should be a prime targets for the surveillance state that we're in.

What law would require an American VPN host to log the activities of their subscribers? CALEA only applies to telecoms and ISPs (legal common carriers), a VPN provider is neither.

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