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2nd this.

Bought 2 of them since I "lost" the first one (then later found it), and now that it's been discontinued, one of my best backup purchases ever.

Daily driver for my 85" gaming TV/media center. Tried other couch keyboards, but always ended up coming back to this one.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it seems that you're taking the wrong lesson from the above quote.

It's not an instruction manual on what parts of the human experience are not yet fully captured by AI.

It's a condemnation on the entire purpose of AI as actualized in our economy, re: it's presumed lofty sci-fi-inspired aspirations (giving humans more creative liberty and freedom) versus how it's actually being operationalized (replacing their creative liberty and freedom).

Embodied AI will only accelerate that trend.

So if we can’t have one without the other we should throw the whole thing out?

It is a rather bleak outlook for humanity when you consider a future where we don’t do the chores or creative endeavors.

>So if we can’t have one without the other we should throw the whole thing out?

To remove mind-numbing activities, you would remove mind-stimulating activities?

If you let this out of the bag, I do not think there would be any end to this application.

why would they have that right?

Rights must be negated, not affirmed

The only thing that seems to work nowadays is name-and-shame (unless you run for president, apparently).

Who are these folks that deserve to be outted for gutting an American institution? I'm sure they're still around, practicing their strain of vulture capitalism.


Looks like the article points out the following main culprits: * Jim McNerney * Dave Calhoun

> Although this is incredibly shady

Understatement, to put it kindly.

Likely taking advantage of EULA-burnout, most users likely just agreed and installed on good faith.

Yes, caveat emptor and all that, but unethical (if still legal).

no they don't.

They were effectively working at embedded scale, trying to capture state within tremendously limiting constraints.

This is a case of interpreting past decisions based on current criteria, when those same conditions would have prevented modern methods from being implemented.

source? (I am challenging you :) ).

The quote "The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads" is a fairly robust heuristic for determing what skillsets are valued today by Big Tech. I'm sure there are exceptions (there always are to every heuristic), but overall, probably a fair assumption.

>source? (I am challenging you :) ).

The entire jobs market. Look it up.

STEM jobs doesn't mean BigTech. Mechanical engineering is also STEM. So is chemical engineering, architecture, etc.

brought to you by GabeN-vidia

"rent" is the most common mental model that most accurately describes the transaction.

It may not have 100% fidelity, but people understand what renting means instinctively.

A different term, even "licensing", loses that impact (which is precisely why different language is preferred by the contract holders, to hide the true intent).

While I appreciate the sentiment for bending your mind, rather than the spoon, the practical reality is that developer time is far costlier than compute time.

It is easier to map compute structures and syntax to existing mental models than to formulate new mental models. The latter is effortful and time-consuming.

So, given the tradeoffs, I could learn a new language, or leverage an existing language to get things done.

And yes, given sufficient resources (particularly time), developing new mental models is ideal, but reality often prohibits the ideal.

If the crux is that you want something that maps closer to your personal mental model than what's available, I guess the other option is to build the missing tool yourself. That's the other side of "be the change you want to see".

> So, given the tradeoffs, I could learn a new language, or leverage an existing language to get things done.

There is also the option to create a new language (jqsql or whatnot), optionally sharing it publically.

If you do this I think you'd find out why beyond very trivial stuff, sibling commenters have a point in that SQL isn't a good fit for nested data like JSON. Would still be a useful exercise!

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