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> I really didn't have to "learn" svelte as I had to vue or react

As someone who is primarily a back end dev with limited experience with frontend frameworks (very little react, somewhat decent amount of vue), this was the biggest surprise when working on a project with svelte. You know the saying "hit the ground running"? This was the first time I felt like that with a frontend framework.

End of the site. There were many changes but this one will kill it in the long run. Aaaanyways, there competitors brewing up. Recently I visited Rumble, thinking "meh, one of these youtube clones again" only to be shocked that plenty of videos seem to be getting hundreds of thousands of views there. Odysee and Bitchute seem to be doing OK too? I don't know. On one hand it's sad to see Youtube go just because of Google disliking (no pun intended) that people can dislike their corporate messaging (rewind... anything biden related etc.), on the other hand Google can go to hell.

Astroturfing Meta

Thanks, quite a bit of coffee is now on my keyboard...

The difference in deaths and severe effects on health and ecology is incomparable. Coal absolutely dwarfs nuclear. Like hundreds or thousands to one. Even if a Chernobyl happened twice a year, like it or not, the resulting pollution and death would be less than what coal mining and coal power plants do. THAT is the reality people don't want to admit because the anti-nuclear propaganda and scaremongering has worked so well.

(All of which gets kinda exposed when there's opposition also to fusion, so many nay sayers, and it won't work this, and it takes 40 years that... also, I swear, if I'm going to see one more "fusion reactor in the sky" tweet from Elon, my head's gonna explode. Dirtbag manipulator.)

> I would have said "why bother" until this happened to us.

Aah, the good ole "one customer is unhappy, let's waste a week of time on this" approach to IT management. Takes guts to tell such customers "here's your refund, now piss off", but it is the right thing to do.

Not just that, also “let’s all stop having fun”. (Not about this case, but

How about no. How about people use curbstomp whenever they damn please. I'm very well aware of what you're implying and what you're trying to do here. Poison the well, police the conversation. Just like the OK sign just means "ok", curbstomp just means curbstomp. The fact that someone somewere used these things in a racist context means nothing, as these words/signs are not racist at all. Racists also use toilet paper, are we going to ban it? How about air or water. No, all of these attempts to police and cancel speech need to go to hell.

It literally means a horrible violent act which has no place in a conversation about computer chips in any way shape or form.

GP didn't even call it racist just mentioned a movie. Racist rant just came out of no where...

There was a clear implication, let's be honest here. Extreme violence is a normal part of our culture - young kids watch hulk smash violently in marvel movies and no one bats an eye. The reason strong offense is being taken here is because of the racist context of the violence in the movie.

It's a metaphor, is it not? Akin to "kill it with fire"

Yeah. I haven't seen the movie, but I recoiled just reading the sentence. It was a very graphically violent term to use here.

Designing for minimum maintenance is nice when you're working on something for "yourself"... not so much if you're creating something for someone else. Since designing for minimum maintenance takes additional time (and money) and most stakeholding entities (contractee, employer) will want the job to be done as soon as possible (and only THEN worry about upkeep), this can easily prevent you from "doing the right thing" simply by the nature of competition. Not to mention the elephant in the room - that minimum maintenance often means less money for the person doing the maintenance, i.e. "you". Vendor lockin is an issue only if you're not the vendor.

It doesn't dispute that they were made intentionally - in fact, it says the opposite. (These are carefully made so they don't overlap and they were not produced by locomotion.)

If this is "art" art... is up to everyone to interpret for themselves.

But then again, today you can give yourself a paint enema, squirt it from your asshole all over a canvas and some people will call it art.

> It doesn't dispute that they were made intentionally - in fact, it says the opposite.

> The fossil impressions, which date to between 169,000 and 226,000 years ago and seem to have been created intentionally, could represent the earliest known art of its kind.

> According to Matthew Bennett, a geologist at Bournemouth University who specializes in ancient footprints and trackways, it’s likely that these ancient imprints were intentional.

Emphasis mine.

> But then again, today you can give yourself a paint enema, squirt it from your asshole all over a canvas and some people will call it art.

Jesus, what artist is this a reference to?

The Big Lebowski has a scene not quite like that but in the same spirit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuMbc1Q2OQ4.

Parent is unknownOrigin not Jesus.

Yes, it's not limited to Musk-related topics, but he does seem to be the nexus point of many of these. Everyday Astronaut was just complaing about a blatant (and kinda shocking as to how bad it can get, to be honest) instance here: https://mobile.twitter.com/Erdayastronaut/status/14386438867...

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