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You fat fucks just eat less and go for a walk.

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Everyone is a dog on the internet. Just don't attach your real name to it.

And no executives went to prison for the breach. We do not have justice in this country, but also realize this is not going to change.

Taxes buy stealth bombers, M1 tanks, drones to bomb people that the United States does not like, and also the overthrow of many different governments https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_r....

Taxes also pay rich politicans like Rick Scott to defraud medicare.

Taxes pay for different political parties to push their agendas both left and right.

This is government not by the consent of the governed, the governemnt does not represent me at all, but I pay my taxes becuse men with guns will ultimately come and put me in jail by force if I do not.

American military might is arguably the sole reason we live in a stable, peaceful world.

Yes, terrible things happen, but the alternative might be even more terrible. I think of this often. Vietnam was a terrible war, maybe a senseless one, but then again, maybe the war on communism was right -- after all, no ex-communist state is a paradise of civil liberty today, and none of them are even particularly prosperous. With no counter to Russia or China, we could be living in a communist world.

How far into Europe would Russia march if America could not write the check for Ukraine?

What would Europe look like had America not funded the victors in the world wars? What would Asia look like had Japan not been castrated?

I would like to live in a world of global peace, liberty, and cooperative prosperity, but if I can't have that, American hegemony is preferable to some other hegemony, at least so far as we know or can infer.

If men with guns didn't force you to pay taxes, would we have interstate highways or weather satellites or top-notch hospitals, public schools, sewer systems, or a covid vaccine?

In fact, I pay taxes so they can buy guns for the men who make you pay taxes. In return, I get to live in this beautiful, modern, prosperous, scientifically breathtaking world.

It is imperfect, I admit, but it is much better than anything else we have had historically. So much better that it's hard to even understand.

Not long ago our president was in a wheelchair and our nation starved; Americans no longer starve nor does polio cripple them. Would those things be true without federal taxes?

It seems likely that less taxes would only harm us. There is still room to improve what we spend on but...

We just achieved fusion, thanks again to taxes.

You are brainwashed by the Military-Industrial-Congressional complex into thinking that the USA has some sort of moral imperative to be the world police, were the only duty of the government is to serve the people which it is currenly not doing and instead serving the interests of the elite and corporations.

I don't care about Ukraine/Tiwan/Vietnam, and the government should not either, it aint our problem. We can literally nuke Russia or China or DPRK if they try to invade or nuke us.

We should put troops on the border to defend it, but that would also deprive USA agribusiness of cheap labor [illegals] or noncitizens whatever the Biden speach police wants you to call them these days.

What we need to care about is income inequality, healthcare, and that most people are either overweight or obese. This is the real national security threat that noone can talk about.

Making systemic interventions into healthcare to prevent chronic illnes from overweight + obesity would give a ROI that is....insane. But we don't want to do that and instead give money to arms manufacturers to then give them to Ukraine, which is stupid.

We literally have people who are overdosing from drugs in the street, and the gov does not care about them. Instead it ostensibly cares about people on the other side of the world to boost some geopolitical agenda.

What we need to do is get rid of income taxes and git rid of the military.

"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world": it was George Washington's Farewell Address to us. The inaugural pledge of Thomas Jefferson was no less clear: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none."

> I don't care about Ukraine/Tiwan/Vietnam, and the government should not either, it aint our problem. We can literally nuke Russia or China or DPRK if they try to invade or nuke us.

Whilst Ukraine may not be the USAs problem they are literally decimating Russias armed forces with American table scrapes effectively.

It’s likely one of the best return on investments that the USA has ever gotten on an investment into a war they aren’t involved in.

Literally don’t care, it’s not our problem to be the world police. Where is my free healthcare/college/6mo of parental leave?

Oh wait, we gave a bunch of weapons to Ukraine so they could fight Putin when they were stupid enough to give up their nukes in the 90s with the Russian bear on their doorstep. Some weapons makers also made a lot of money, but you don’t hear democrats talking about that (I’m looking at you Maria Cantwell lol).

We’ve basically been gaslit into believing this is a moral imperative to support giving $$$ to Ukraine and many other countries. This is illogical it should be America First!

> We’ve basically been gaslit into believing this is a moral imperative to support giving $$$ to Ukraine and many other countries. This is illogical it should be America First!

Decimating Russias armed forces whilst not losing a single active duty American soldier is literally America first.

It's the first war that America has been involved in, in a long time that is easily morally justifiable and has a clear good side and bad side.

One person's bloat is another Microsoft PM KPI target.

This is great, if M$ is going to still be a defacto monopoly in the business world we need an OS that does what you tell it to, and nothing more.

-Elon Musk is ousted from Tesla/SpaceX; TSLA <$50

-Trump dies of heart failure

-New COVID strain from the USA

-Housing bubble pops

With shipping times going out into the weeks range, IMO it is time to just cut out the middleman and order directly from wish or aliexress.

Yep, I learned about Aliexpress this year and realized that Amazon had basically just become a local cache for them anyway. I'm happy to wait awhile for the cheap plastic nonsense I feel compelled to buy for some reason.

Same strategy. I find ordering at Aliexpress like buying at Costco -- always in more quantity than necessary.

Here is an alternative: http://libgen.is/

I'm amazed this hasn't gotten taken down. it's been around for years and years

If you're just working from home this setup would be great:

4k 28" monitor -- ~250-300 + tax Aeron chair -- say ~300 used or the Costco office chair which IMO is comparale comfort Sit stand desk from Costco -- $300 M1 Mac Mini 16/512

Where do you find a $300 M1 Mac Mini?

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