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I had the same thought, and pulled this together this morning: http://github.com/rfletcher/cli-privacy

Another approach: http://github.com/rfletcher/cli-privacy

Instead of hoping for various software projects to standardize on a single control, aggregate the various controls in one place, and make it easy to set them all at once.

I see the same behavior. Additions/edits are not propagating.

The oldest affected route53 change I can find in our system is a new record that was created at 23:16:10 UTC. As of now (40 minutes later), it still won't resolve.

Edit: The AWS status page confirms "slow propagation of DNS edits": https://status.aws.amazon.com

Ditto. And FYI, those fare predictions came to Bing when they bought Farecast. Fareast launched in '06, if memory serves.

Edit: Memory served: https://web.archive.org/web/20060630050308/http://farecast.c...

Another generic `repl` utility, this one in ruby: https://github.com/defunkt/repl

I find it hilarious that there's a ruby version of a tool that can be implemented in 10 lines of bash. It's like atwood's law all over again. Use the right tool for the job, please.

I'd be happy to see your 10 lines bash version of this ruby tool, with the same options/properties (debug messages, customizable prompt, history logging, same safeguards, rlwrap support, man page).

You're missing the point. I could do all of that in a similar (or likely smaller) number of lines with bash compared to the ruby tool, only mine would be much faster and wouldn't depend on the enormous ruby runtime.

the bash version might be technically faster, but i doubt it would be faster in any practical, meaningful way: most of the time spent in the script is waiting for input, or waiting for a command to return. that it need not depend on ruby is a perfectly valid argument though, and is in fact why i bothered redoing it in POSIX shell.

to do so however didn't just require a similar number of lines, it actually required 4 more (though to be fair, both scripts have comments and a fair bit of formatting, so it may not be a fair comparison. also it probably doesn't need stating, but i'm a bit of a hack, so my implementation maybe shouldn't be the reference point. but i digress)

in any event, i don't think atwood's law comes into play, given that a) this isn't in javascript and b) defunkt is a well known member of the ruby community who spends a lot of time working in ruby and probably wrote this to actually use it, as quickly as he could think of it. his choice of language here is perfectly reasonable in that context.

if you remain convinced that the only correct language for such a tool is bash/shell, i imagine OP certainly welcomes PRs; i know i do.

It's likely that with the feature set growing, a version that uses a slightly more advanced language would be easier to maintain and have less "traps" than the bash version...

i actually ported this over to POSIX shell a few years back: https://github.com/joh6nn/shrepl

afaik, it will work just about anywhere you can invoke a shell (i haven't tested it all that extensively)

> "Is Pennsylvania subjecting streaming services to a different level of taxation is their non-streaming competitors?"

The first sentence of the article (emphasis mine): "Pennsylvania has joined several states in enacting a tax on digital streaming and download services."

Unless you can think of a competitor that offers neither streams nor downloads, no, they're not.

the relevant competitors would be cable television, subscription satellite TV services, and various forms of offline media distributing the same content (DVDs at Walmart for example).

I'm not sure how offline competition relates to the "net neutrality" topic in this thread, but any offline competitor necessarily has a physical presence in the state, so it would have been subject to tax for from the beginning.

so not DVDs at Walmart then. what about satellite or cable TV?

DVDs at Walmart would be covered by sales tax, as would satellite and cable TV, unless it's a basic subscription.

From Pa. Code § 9.2. Sales and use tax changes:

(2) Pay television. Pay television except for ‘‘minimum pay television’’ is taxable. This includes anything charged to a customer for a service other than minimum pay television service. For example, if a cable television customer purchases basic service and in addition purchases a ‘‘pay’’ channel, tax is owed on the price charged for the ‘‘pay’’ channel. Installation and repair service for pay television with the exception of minimum pay television also is subject to tax.

I live in PA and I'm an Apple Music subscriber. Looking at my receipts, Apple's been charging me 6% tax all along. I wonder why, if this change to the tax code just went into effect on 8/1.


That is a really interesting question I think. Hedging for the presumed inevitable? Article mentions that other states had already been assessing such a fee.

> ...I'm hoping to get switching onto the low-priority project list.

You should maybe try and get it on the high priority list. On August 1st the Teams pro plan will increase from $4/user/mo. (introductory price) to $12/user/mo. for new signups: https://1password.com/teams/pricing/

It does have an "open and fill" feature which autofills, but only immediately after opening the site by URL first. (So the attacker's URL would have to be saved in 1Password along side your credentials.)

This is actually how I use 1Password most often. Global hotkey of cmd+opt+\, type a site name, hit enter: 1Password opens the site and logs in.

> Even setting that aside, what is it I'm looking at? Assembly?

AGC Assembly. Here's the manual: http://www.ibiblio.org/apollo/assembly_language_manual.html

Fascinating. Thanks for the link.

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