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What does it solve though? If the purpose of RTO is being together with your team, and you don't have enough desks to bring the team in the office at the same time, this solves basically nothing.

Hybrid working. Everyone has certain days that they work from home.

Perhaps Reddit isn't a preferred support channel for them?



Perhaps you're right. I'll better discuss it privately.

> Next time YOU are about to spout off about something, perhaps think about reading the f'ing page being linked to?

this is very cruel, there is absolutely no need to be so harsh.

This has nothing to do with the actual location of the servers holding the data. Which would not be a single location anyway.

Actually it does play a factor, GDPR had it so the data on EU citizens had to be located within the EU. Now they have alternative options for the UK - then that aspect does as I initially outlined becomes key.

Hence the question of actual costs to Google in hosting in say Ireland (staffing, taxes, rates, utility costs, cooling....) compared with another location outside the EU that may very well have cheaper running costs due to many factors.

I hope that clears up why location is a factor now as it related to running costs and if they can save some money, well, they will.

More so if they suddenly free up capacity in a datacenter which has higher costs than some other locations outside the EU. All these details do very much, however small, stack up at the scale of users Google operates with and for the UK, several million is a large chunk of potential savings.

Installing this extension basically means trusting a random dude (the author) with all the data passing through the browser just to screw over some random people trying to get coarse-grained stats on where people come to their websites from. Sounds like a rather idiotic idea, but I'm sure even this will have its users.

In general I would agree, but the source code is so short here that you would be able to glance through it first to confirm nothing sketchy is going on there: https://github.com/jparise/chrome-utm-stripper/blob/master/b...

Are you going to notice and reinspect every invisible OTA update?

It's a perfectly valid concern when you install a plugin. We just don't care because most people are trustworthy.

But for example there's a market for selling your browser addon to someone that wants to do this.

You're basically arguing that open source isn't really open because you don't have the time to inspect every commit...

If you build this from source, you'll have proof of any malice by the developer.

This of course assumed you installed it directly from Github as that is the code you reviewed. Otherwise, yes, that is a valid concern.

Except that if you install the add-on from the store it will auto-update with any changes (assuming they pass approval) and you likely wouldn't notice unless permissions are changed.

The addon is open source (this HN post even links to the GitHub), and the source code is very short, so it's easy to verify that it's doing only what it says. If you are extra paranoid about the addon in the Chrome store not reflecting what's in the repo, you can always install it from source.

This is wishful thinking. How confident are you that you'll spot a well planted backdoor? Hint: the more capable you are, the less confident you should be.

If you're that paranoid, it's actually not very hard to audit the code in this case. Unless you go so far as to not trust the whole stack it's running on, but in that case you should stop using your browser entirely. For a sane threat model the confidence in your own audit should be reasonably high.

This is bullshit, of course. He wasn't killed for waving a flag. He was killed because he was part of a violent group attacking Israeli soldiers.


You're being downvoted for injecting a political topic (the Israeli-Palestinian conflict) into an unrelated article on chess and Saudi Arabia, not because of "narrative"

...into an unrelated political topic.

This is a war the Palestinians cannot win conventionally, so it is heavily waged through the court of public opinion. Hamas’s bread and butter is exploiting tragedies for propaganda wins, which is why they fire rockets from schools and hospitals.

The Israelis for their part have strict engagement protocols, although the cynic in me believes avoiding PR issues is at least as big of a factor as avoiding loss of life. From that realpolitik standpoint, they screwed up here.

The fact of the matter is - if you are part of violent protests, even if you are just sitting and waving a flag, you’re taking a risk.

The fact that the propaganda machine is now spinning is business as usual, sadly. And gets neither side closer to a resolution.

I think the real fact here is that whatever Israel does, no matter how wicked and evil or what the evidence shows, you get downvoted to oblivion for stating the facts because they speak against the actions of Israel. Hackernews seems like a slightly more civilized version of reddit, but when it comes to politics, the insane bias shines through.

It is not a topic that can be discussed either rationally or decently most places on the internet.

You bear some responsibility for this too. Coming out charging with flamebait, then blaming others when you get a flamewar, is incongruent. That's independent, by the way, of whether your underlying views are right or wrong, or even whether your indignation is justified.

We ban accounts that use HN primarily for political battle, regardless of which politics. So if you'd like to keep commenting here, please read https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html and take the spirit of this site, i.e. intellectual curiosity, to heart.

That's available too and people do pay. For instance, https://www.vzug.com/ch/de/product/ch-Catalog/1101100004

Yeah, 3900 CHF and only 2 years of warranty... I can imagine cost of spare parts after it expires. For this price I would expect 7 years warranty as minimum.

I think that won't even compile due to an accidentally pasted URL here: https://github.com/zcoinofficial/zcoin/commit/0359bcb2ead7fe...

Should compile fine, it'll just evaluate to a goto label named "https" and a comment after

Can't agree more. This has nothing to do with "reducing Russian reliance on foreign technology," but rather with plain old corruption and theft.

Why is it just alcohol and gambling and not, say, cat food and toothbrushes? I understand you don't like alcohol and gambling, but how do you derive that others should be prevented from seeing what you don't like?

Because alcohol and gambling tend to be more addictive than cat food and toothbrushes.

It is not a good idea to force an ad for beer on an ex-alcoholic/someone trying to stop alcohol, for example.

Not that I necessarily agree, though I can see the logic, they are suggesting that ads that promote destructive behavior be opt in.

Things such as gambling, smoking and (though somewhat debate-ably) alcohol all fall into this category.

Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, many countries now ban the advertising of cigarettes, so realistically, it's not too alien of an idea.

I am asking for a filter for my personal feed. I am mot asking for a filter for other people. Sorry I didn't make that clear. This has weak potential for a claim under English law. If I am a person with an addiction to alcohol I might ask YouTube to make a reasonable adjustment: not to show me alcohol adverts.

Allowing users some granularity over ads makes sense for everyone. I am never going to buy nor rent a car so showing me car ads is stupid. Allow me to opt out of seeing car ads and the advertisers save money and the content I'm watchig doesn't get negative associations and I am less likely to install ad blocking software.

But if I create a video and host it on YouTube I would want to prevent adverts for gambling or alcohol to appear next to that video. I'm not sure this is offerred by Google.

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