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What's wrong with their hardware? I bought a desktop from them and it's rock solid, literally frozen on me once and that was probably a gnome bug and nothing to do with the hardware.

I think if they can supply there hardware with a smooth and modern desktop they will have an amazing product.

A toothbrush with AI is the funniest thing I've read today, thank you.

I have seen products reported about on YouTube that used ‘ai’ to mean a timer.

What permissions does the app ask for? Most likely location for some bullshit Bluetooth feature, and no doubt they request other permissions like contacts and media so you can share with friends that you clean your teeth.

Hey, now oral b know where you are all the time, who you know etc

Looking at my android...notifications and nearby BT devices. Thats it.

People are so dumb! Who the fuck installs an Oral B app!

> Most users will probably still use Google

Stupid them then. I don't and now I won't have to see Google defaulted to everywhere.

This is great news. If Mozilla can't afford to provide Firefox anymore then they could ask for donations or provide a paid product. I'd pay for firefox if they stripped out the google and pocket crap.

Or do you only read twitter to stay informed?

There's a signed letter from Biden announcing it, published on reputable news websites.

they're just copying the same screenshot

Isn't that kind of selfish though?

What if you have a child just to make yourself feel better and that kid goes on to have a shitty unhappy life wishing they'd never been born?

Why would you feeling better increase the odds of a child having a shitty unhappy life?

Sounds like a pretty shitty excuse in my ears, sorry.

All the people in Auschwitz could have had happy parents but a lot of them probably wished they'd never been born. Life is hard. Really hard sometimes.

Forcing a child to go through it all just to give your own life meaning? Totally selfish.

Do you really feel comfortable judging like that. You have no idea about their wishes.

Using that as an argument for not having children is beyond silly.

Just say that you don't want children, it's ok, you don't have to make up reasons and try and convince others.

I think you're missing out on something amazing, but that's just my personal opinion.

It's not a guarantee that having a child will make OP feel better.

But not unlikely from my experience, it tends to reset your priority list in a good way.

The willingness you seem to have to sacrifice all your privacy for a few gimmicks is astounding

Is it better than OSMAnd? (I love OSMAnd)


I thought the Grusch news a few months back was going to be... something, but it hasn't been.

All we get (if you peruse the UFOs subreddit at least, or twitter) is people like george knapf and the other dude that makes the documentaries like skyranch, everyday saying stuff like "My source in DOD says BIG intel drop coming VERY SOON.". They literally say that stuff everyday. It's getting to QAnon levels of ridiculous.

BTW though I want to believe. LLAP.

I've always loved that phrase, as it unpacks so many ways. Have the original version of the poster in my office.

   I want to believe
As in, you currently do not, but you desire to, but you need something to convince you, and the current evidence you've seen is unconvincing, which means you have standards of proof.

It doesn't get more honestly scientific than that.

> It doesn't get more honestly scientific than that.

A lot of people “want to believe” their ideas are correct, and end up smudging some data points to justify their biases.

That's skipping right past the tension inherent in wanting, straight into believing.

Which is what happens.

Not in the originating Mulder's case.

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