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Check the clothes you are about to put on as well.

I wonder if Robinhood just got a -34 million tax credit. Almost similar to putting money into your IRA for the normal taxpayer.

China produces nearly twice the carbon dioxide emissions as the second largest carbon dioxide producer, USA. China is a communist state.


how would that statistic look like if it attributed the carbon where the end product was consumed? At least China isn't calling global warming a hoax...

I've never thought about it like that... Your completely right, and i'm sure it would show the US is doing alot more harm than previously thought.

> China is a communist state.

Yet its market operates more like a capitalistic one.

It's also not entirely fair to point the finger wholly at China on CO2 output when Europe and the US have effectively outsourced their manufacturing and most polluting processes to companies over there.

It's really a capitalist state managed by an authoritarian government. Despite that the ruling party used "Communist" as it's name.

China is a capitalist state run by converted former Marxists using the language of Marxist-Leninism to administrate an authoritarian market economy.

They've in a sense found a way to use Marx's critique of capitalism towards its opposite intent. Marx saw the authoritarianism inherent in the market and how it was tied to wage labour exploitation? The Chinese Communist party has harnessed that authoritarianism to increase exploitation to its maximum.

The Communist Party in China are as "communist" as the later Roman emperors were "Christian."

Do the workers own the means of production?

No, therefore China is not a communist state. It is one in name only. Its economy is extremely capitalistic.

> China is a communist state.

China is, actually, the living proof capitalism works a lot better without a democracy holding it back.

For the majority, perhaps. Try telling that to the Uighurs of Xinjiang.

There is nothing in a democracy either that prevents minorities from being oppressed. Examples of democratic countries with oppressed minorities are plenty.

I agree.

I think you're misinterpreting the tone of the parent's comment as an endorsement, when it is likely in fact a critique.

Marx's commentary on so-called democratic states: "The executive of the modern state is nothing but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie" rings quite true today. In China they've perfected this by getting the pesky petty grumbles of the population out of the way.

I will only play games with closing credits or more generally an ending.

This solution was limited to 8. - Due to the limitations of the ESP's SoftAP implementation, there is a maximum of 8 simultaniously connected stations. (from the README)

Interesting, I remember reading some documentation from Espressif's website early on that claimed 50+, but can't seem to find it now.

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