I'm pretty sure. They're poking fun at people who see the billions in tax dodge BEPS schemes included in Ireland GDP and think it has any bearing in reality.
Booking.com was hacked months ago and people are getting scam messages sent to them by their hotels after booking looking for a verification fee via credit card.
Is this actually true though? Speculation, but I doubt "mom" would have the same appeal as "step-mom" for the same reasons that the former isn't allowed and the latter is.
This is only 1 perspective (which is correct in most cases but not always).
It can also produce massive HTML (not CSS) making it worse than pure CSS solution.
Even when used as expected, per-page, you end up with unnecessary html and css, because tailwind can't combine the classes used from other pages. For one to be able to use tailwind as efficiently as site-covering custom made CSS, you'd need to collect the HTML or CSS Classes for the whole site and compile the CSS from that, but tailwind is waaay too slow for that to even work - not to mention, node.js can't even handle that amount of classes in memory (4GB Default).
I'm very well aware of this because I tried to make it as efficient as possible.
I love in Portugal. They still need to legalize and regulate drugs because there are plenty of street dealers and junkies. Stop using Portugal as some amazing fix. It isn't