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I don't get why you where downvoted. the analogy is pretty accurate. knifes are utilities which can be used to kill. guns are made for killing only.

There are plenty of legitimate uses for youtube-dl. There is even fair use in the US. How can i make fair use, eg. remix or a commentary if i can't access the videos outside of youtube.

>knifes are utilities which can be used to kill. guns are made for killing only.

What is a bowling ball made for? What are bows and arrows made for?

During my apprenticeship my final exam project was to write OxPro. A breeding database for the local aurochs breeding association.

edit: I had to check if it's still around. https://www.aueroxen.de/oxpro-2/

Those are just odd cows.

I don't agree with the faster and extremely simple to deploy points, at all. Both objections have to do with php-fpm.

it spawns a new php interpreter for every request, which means for example that symfony framework setup (routes, controllers, service dependencies...) have to run before every request. Sure it does that faster than python, but python only needs to do this once.

deployment is my personal nightmare. try to set the max children or whatever so concurrency is ok but memory does not run out. I mean facebook did it so it has to be possible but damn, that was hard to get `right`. Setting up logging is a mess. There is the application, the admin and the fpm error log, I gave up trying to have every log event logged exactly once. Segfaults are a common occurrence, still. I heard it mentioned just before leaving for vacation.

> Both objections have to do with php-fpm.

To be fair the last time I seriously worked with PHP was back when mod_php was still cool. I was able to serve thousands of users on a dual-core Xeon box ~15 years ago - I can only imagine the performance is better in many ways now.

hedgewars is awesome. lived with 3 friends and installed this on our beamer in the living room. Competition is fierce still, in 5+ years nobody would even change team once. we lost track of score 3 years into the competition tho.

What does "beamer" in this context mean? Where I'm from it is slang for a BMW car, which I'm guessing you don't have in your living room.

It's German (pseudo-anglicism) for video projector.

It takes one external party checking the wiring to make sure and it can't be patched by an update.

1. opt out is not gdpr conform. 2. saving a cookie no_consent=true does not require consent by the user. that's the type of cookie easily classified as functional/necessary

if the users opts out of your opt-in pop up, then :)

> saving a cookie no_consent=true does not require consent by the user. that's the type of cookie easily classified as functional/necessary

It looks like an unusual choice for the website. Assuming that the intention of the website is to use all the trackers that it is asking to use going out of their way not to ask the user to be tracked seems counterproductive.

Sure the website is also interested in not annoying the users to death, but then it sounds a better idea to offer less invasive prompts and more informed choices than a blanket yes/no. Here again I feel like gitlab made fanstastic choices for their prompt.

if it's an android, I'm very happy with firefox + ublock.

how will that number look when you first autoconvert via 2to3?

I did two migrations of >500k loc projects in an afternoon each, and admittedly some days of testing to gain confidence since there where few unit test. But i found it to be very smooth sailing.

I was very familiar with both projects, so that helped a lot.

EDIT: I also want to add that i did this using python3.5, when to ecosystem seemed to be at a sweet spot of dependencies supporting both 2 and 3 mostly. I guess if one has been waiting until now, the divide between library versions will be a lot bigger.

How does distrust create trust exactly? I give out trust freely (within reason) until it's broken. Gaining back trust is hard. When I find out you went through my mails to find out if I'm trustworthy, you loose my trust.

When I learned of the BND's Crypto AG involvement I felt a deep sense of shame. All the CIA's fuck ups in south america for example. Not only the CIA anymore, we where involved too. Which makes me loose some trust in my government to act on my/our behalf. There is a cost to it and the benefits are questionable at best.

One very prominent example is the Open Skies Treaty. Basically, signatories permit reconnaissance aircraft to fly over for the purposes of enforcing arms control. It is legalized spying.

>How does distrust create trust exactly?

I think the idea is that it forces allies to interact with genuine intentions, lest one tries to deceive the other and is caught because of some intelligence that's been gathered.

It's the backbone of a gentleman's agreement between allies to not act maliciously toward each other.

Yup like the time when the BND basically helps the US to do industrial espionage against Germany.

And the when the government found out about it (through Snowden) and didn't really do anything.

I mean even if giving asyl to Snowden wasn't possible permanently they could have given it to him for a short time to at least allow him to sadly speak in front of the German government.

Or EU countries allowing extradition to countries which haven't signed the human rights charter (like the US, ironically Russia did sign it).

Through then if we consider how the BND was founded it would be supposing if it's not at least partially undermined by some US intelligence agencies...

>they could have given it to him for a short time to at least allow him to sadly speak in front of the German government

Do normal people in Germany actually care about privacy? Do they take basic steps to protect their privacy?

No, not really.

But normal people have been sufficiently scared, so that they "care" about privacy.

For example "Facebook bad" -- but everybody uses WhatsApp.

When you mention that its the same company, people don't care. The important thing is that they can tell their friends that they don't use Facebook, because "Facebook bad".

Yes many do, actually most I have met do.

The problem is most also don't understand the consequences and possibilities even much less inversive privacy problems allow. Once you explain to them they tend to first care a lot, then are helpless because it seems holes and then at some point give up just because they don't know how to go on with upholding privacy.

But more importantly the bomb if the Snowden revelations was less about privacy inversion but industries espionage. Worse the institution which main purpose include preventing that had helped in it.

i managed to run diablo2 (release 2000) on wine in a docker container. with ffmepg streaming it as a video. Was a real eye opener moment to realize what can fit in these things.

Could you elaborate on how you got ffmpeg to stream the output? Was it rendering to a virtual display?

Why would you need docker for wine?

i was curious if i could run diablo2 on my kubernetes clusters.

That sounds lovely! Was it playable? I'd love to take a look at the manifests, if you could make them available somewhere.

It's kind of playable using XQuartz on mac. But i'm only using that for debugging the setup really. This is intended as a test bed for keras bot experiments, so controls are not important to me.

Main components are wine, ffmpeg, nginx+nginx-ts-module and xvfb. It runs diablo2 and livestreams the screen capture.

I'd love to push this to git or docker, but it's currently littered with blizzards game files. I'm most likely not allowed to share the current state.

I put some files together to get a rough look. I'll try to make it a bit more usefull when i'm done with actual work and not exhausted.


I literally snorted. This is fantastic and is the reason for HN to exist!

Blog post time!

Always wanted a blog. I have no blog.

Blog post author here.

It's easy to get a blog going with either GitHub or GitLab plus their "Pages" hosting environment, or Netlify.

Here's how you can do this with just GitHub Pages or GitLab Pages:

* https://pages.github.com/

* https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/pages/

Here's how I originally hosted my blog with Gitlab Pages using Hugo (a static site generator):


and then ended up migrating to Netlify when I upgraded Hugo to a new version to support a different theme (Netlify has additional benefits, like automatic live previews):


And here's someone else's 1-hour walk-through of the same workflow:


It's pretty straight-forward process regardless of which approach you take. I hope this helps you get started with your own blog!

I will periodically be reminded about this comment, with the intention that one day, when I check, you will have replied with a URL to your blog.

No pressure, I’m just looking forward to it.

this is peak HN

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