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This reminds me when I was playing Oblivion on Xbox 360 and there was a bug to get a ton of money from a specific NPC. It completely ruined the game for me by removing all motivations and rewards to participate in the economy through looting, stealing, and selling.

Many municipalities have gotten waivers for police & rescue to use drones. I don't see why the fire department would have any issues in getting clearance to ultimately help save the lives of firefighters & fire victims.

Once you go stock Android, you never go back. I love my Nexus 7 and the frequent, direct OTA updates from Google. My AT&T Samsung Galaxy S2 got an update in the last month that turned it into a freezing, battery-draining, glitchy machine with no patch to fix it in site. I will never buy a non-stock Android phone again.

Perhaps not back, but maybe sideways.

My first Android phone was an HTC Hero. It was vastly improved when I replaced the moribund HTC-customised OS with Cyanogenmod. That's why, when I needed to replace it, I went with a stock Android phone: a Nexus S.

However, whilst my Nexus S still works fine, Google have effectively abandoned it - it won't get any more updates - so one of my projects for this weekend is to root it and try out Cyanogenmod on it.

This is exactly why the "you can buy another great Android device" argument falls face first into the ground for me.

How long can I expect my (at the time) top of the line phone to continue getting the latest OS updates? Additionally, how many (if any) phones get thoroughly tested for OS compatibility and performance for new Android updates? Do I really want to take an unnecessary roll of the dice?

I realize this isn't exactly what you're asking, but most all capable Android devices end up being able to run far-future software via the custom ROM community. My old HTC Sensation (launched May 19, 2011, running Android 2.3) happily runs Android 4.2 thanks to the Android developer community. Even my old underspecced Nexus 1 can run 4.2!

The OTA support may not be there, but that doesn't mean you're hard-stuck with an older version of Android on the device.

So they are using a DVB stick to broadcast the video stream back to monitor the autonomous model airplane, which is awesome. I tried looking for a site where hobbyists are doing this without luck. Can you link to a site where I can learn more about this specific use case?

Interesting hack, definitely some potential around socially aware devices. But that is a terribly horrible title for the post, it's misleading and probably makes more people not want to click through to read more who otherwise might be interested in open hardware or using the social graph in hardware.

Whenever an article with price/inflation implications hits HN, it's like the gold-bug bat signal goes off.

Right, plaintext in dropbox? <tinfoil_hat> what about local encryption? saving personal notes in plaintext files...</tinfoil_hat>

It does in fact support encryption. I sync my data across dropbox as well.


But it is so convenient and simple to use!

checkout episode 5 of startups for the rest of us podcast, they address this exact question. http://www.startupsfortherestofus.com/episodes/episode-5-how...

Ignite puts on events in various locations. 5 min talks on interesting topics, slides advance automatically every 15 seconds. http://igniteshow.com/

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