Which, the newest 2 Nexus phones and the Palm Pre? 0 iPhones can do wireless charging, and those are pretty popular. Wireless charging still also requires a big dock thing to be plugged in to USB or mains power; it's not as if all (or any, that I'm aware of) laptops have a built-in zone which charges anything you lay down on it.
The Galaxy S6 and a bunch of others, including some HTC Droids, 8X and others, LG G3, many Lumia devices, Blackberry Z30 and Classic. But yes, not the iPhone.
Looking at the search results[1] it mostly seems to be the same code being found in different repositories/forks. One of the most forked Lua repositories contains an add-on with a 8 localization keys named SoundWTF for example.
We considered this, but decided that people want to use muscle memory in order to quickly unlock their screens, rather than hunting for the correct digits in a randomized layout. This allows you to quickly go through the motions, and only adds one extra gesture.
I tried looking up some numbers on severe cases, but the Norwegian Institute of Public Health webpages are currently experiencing some DNS issues.