The problem is that Venezuela imports everything, the policies are very hostile to national production and there is a mafia with access to government sponsored dollars that profits from the whole situation without moving a finger, in other words, corruption that actually pyramids to all society: people enters the game by reselling scarce goods and believing in a cardboard opposition - that never delivers any concrete result - obviously linked to the government and its corruption mafia.
Its the eternal battle between leanness and bureaucracy, the later always stealthy infiltrating to unfold its corrupting influence. Then its up to the mature developer to pick the proper technologies for the job based not on fads but on real project needs and wise criteria.
Not everything coming from SPAs is bad; reactive programming is awesome when you implement it in your own lean way with small friendly libraries like ractive, blaze, etc.
The problem with CRUD apps is that they are architected around persistance, the product particularities and business logic are then like second class citizens that must play by CRUD-world or the framework of the year rules.
The result is often a mediocre and painful to maintain app which may fulfill a bureaucracies' objectives but for the programmer it feels like being forced to be unprofessional , as if a surgeon was asked to perform an operation with a rusty saw.
You americans must go beyond the false dichotomy of republicans and democrats.. its just two different ways of getting your tax money, weapons and staged wars or bureaucracy. Neither gives a damn about an african genocide to lower the price of chocolate.
the lie was not neccesary. climate change deniers are worried about the government getting its nose into everything and destroying a country to favour some bankers. if you started with the right arguments like arnold the story would be different.. and its not late.
So this joke repeated through decades never gets old. Its been like 50 years since the times of nationalist dictators, its 50 years ruled by U.S backed leftists, yep.. the same who have created the skirts of misery: ghettos and fabelas.
It should be obvious by now that USA will support the left wing if it fits with its agenda. There you have WW2 and polpot to mention just a few extreme historical cases.
I think that either the author got it wrong, or its just cheap socialist propaganda.
Corruption is not about buying alcohol and tobacco or avoiding work, it is about becoming dependent on nanny estate to a point of:
a) blindly supporting the populist politicians even if they are corrupt.
b) ignoring the consequences of unsustainable public spending like debt and inflation. (Again, while corrupt bankers and bureaucrats become richer creating a greater inequality).
Writing config files or filling some template classes instead of actual programming is pretty much the purpose of a framework. As a senior developer it may be your responsability to filter the hype from the real stuff as you can influence which technologies should be used in your projects. Fortunately there is a parallel universe of people developing wonderful libraries that you can combine and use as you wish.
Is low serotonin the cause of social phobia? or is social phobia the cause of low serotonin?. The evident power of mind over body is an uncomfortable truth for a few industries.
So we need some sort of cause & effect algebra so that fallacious and faulty reasoning doesn't get smuggled in the name of science, otherwise science is just some form of social control exploiting the power - highjacked from religion - of an alleged ownership over the truth.
I can relate to the same problem and often I am stuck when reading about algorithms explained through math formulas. I would love to see some kind of dependency tree for math knowledge which clearly shows all the requisites for understanding a specific topic.
Maybe it is a nice problem to solve for empathic math freak enterpreneurs which can come up with new, structured teaching methods.