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Carlsberg Sverige and Ringnes AS (also Carlsberg), I'm guessing it's made locally.

Haven't notice anything with the Swedish Pepsi max and I'm drinking _a lot_ of it. Didn't get the flu yet so my taste buds should be good! Coke zero got a lot better after the new recipe if you ask me but still a Pepsi guy :)

I drank a lot of Pepsi Max since 2006 to sometime just before the pandemic when I started feeling the difference.

Recently I have only tried the ones from Norway since the border has been closed for so long && local shops have reduced prices to Swedish levels for now, but the Pepsi Max I get here all tastes stale now across all shops and all bottle sizes I have tested.

I used to drink coke years ago. But it only tasted ok to a pizza. Then I didn't eat pizza for a while (no local pizza place) and after that I couldn't even enjoy a coke to pizza any more. Not sure if they changed something in the recipe or my taste just changed. I haven't had more than a couple of cokes the last 20+ years because they just don't taste good any more. Neither diet or normal.


I don't know, maybe I got used to it real quick. When the new (and better :P) coke zero came out people didn't shut up about it, so would be strange if they changed pepsi and almost nobody noticed. But I did have that happen with beer though, a beer I liked started tasting real bad, then I had it for the first time in 10 years or more last summer and it was good again. Think tastebuds works in mysterious ways and changes a lot more than we think.

I think what happens is

- sometimes a brewery changes the taster/mixer master

- other times I suspect they start cheaping on ingredients

- in one particular case I almost expect the brewery did it on purpose: A particular brewery here in Norway produced a very tasty low-alcoholic beer that was sold durt cheap in one particular chain 8f grocery stores. Then at some point around 2008-2009 that particular beer changed to taste like the smell of a fox farm (I grew up next to one so I know that smell). I checked back a number of times but the quality didn't recover until years later. One possible explanation would be that they had an extremely bad deal and was actively sabotaging this product to sell less of it at loss.

Might have been the new Coke Zero making the Pepsi feel worse in comparison, but I do feel like it goes flat faster than a few years ago.

You have to learn that fridays and saturday nights aren't when everything fun and exciting happens. Takes some getting used to.

People need to know that when they read about "Sweden" it's often about the central parts of Stockholm. Plowing is not a culture thing it's a political decision for public roads.

Street plowing is only really happening in the big Swedish cities and on highways anyway. On the countryside, everyone has studded tires on their cars, so they only put gravel on the roads.

Edit: As several answers point out, snow is being cleared, just not all the way to the asphalt. Which is what I meant as well, apologies if that wasn't clear.

Countryside roads are cleared. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to drive with the amount of snow that can fall.

There are people ready in all corners of the country, city and countryside, to work on clearing the roads when it's necessary.

You can find maps and road prioritization per Län here: https://www.trafikverket.se/resa-och-trafik/underhall-av-vag...

The lowest priority roads on the map (gray) state: After 3 cm of snowfall, the road is expected to be cleared inside the following 6 hours.

Of course country roads are plowed too if need be. Every small city where there are roads that needs to be plowed are plowing their roads. Depending on where in the country you are and how common it is with snow, roads may be plowed sooner or later. It's definitely not only the big cities.

No, it's all cleared. You can't drive on the roads if the ice is still there in spring. You will sink 2 dm down and when that freezes over again, the road is only usable by tanks. All roads that needs it will be scraped of ice sooner or later.

I have been living in north Sweden all my life, in tiny villages with 100 people and cities with 100.000 people. They all do it. It might even be better done in small villages because they will use local companies that live there and does their hometown on contract every year.

Roads are definitely cleared from snow outside of cities. This is an example from the middle of nowhere, where signs of clearing can be seen: https://goo.gl/maps/1b7Aj8pb3ejsQPHs7

However, in the northern parts/and or rural areas, you have a layer of packed snow/ice during the winter season. Snow is still cleared regularly that fall on that layer, but the underlying asphalt/gravel isn’t revealed during winter.

I remember driving from Kiruna to Abisko National Park (read: from a tiny town in the far north of Sweden to a national park in the middle of nowhere) and there were huge tractors cleaning the snow in both directions almost as soon as the snow had passed a few inches.

You make it sound like it was just a small country road =)

The E10 is the main highway connected Northern Sweden and Norway, and it gets a lot of truck traffic.

From the point of view of an American, for example, that's like a road in the north of Alaska, connecting the only two more or less significant towns in something like 100 miles... the area around Kiruna probably has less than one million people in a 1,000 mile radius, it's really a low population area we're talking about.

True, we are only 9 million people total and the north is mostly uninhabited. I totally see how that feels tiny. Anyway by your description I pictured a small winding 1-line 40mph road, not a 55mph banked 2lane road

I don't have Netflix every month anymore. The content is getting more spread out over so many of these newer streaming services. Before it was ok, Netflix was cheap enough and had most of what I watched, but no more. It's getting too pricey to keep around just out of convenience. I'm on a really tight budget so it matters.

I recently got locked out of a site because they screwed up validation. I used a gmail alias to sign up, my.mail+thesite@gmail.com, couldn't submit, couldn't trick it to submit anyway because who uses a real submit these days... I went there to cancel a subscription, decided it was easier to block them from taking the money than to contact support.

But it's not just putting a finger on the trackpad, that doesn't trigger a click. It's a really quick tap. But I'm not out to convince anyone so do your thing :)

Oh good. Think everyone here is trying themselves right now. I don't really see anything when I picture stuff in my head, it is more that I know how something looks or should look or could look and it's much less than a picture, but for sure more than words. And for the inner voice, I hear my own voice in my head, it's like I'm talking to myself all the time, like a crazy person. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>I hear my own voice in my head

But you don't actually hear anything either, right? I mean, does it sound like a recording of you talking? Or is it you thinking in words / having an inner monologue (dialogue?)

It's not through the ears so it's different, it's not like talking with the vibrations and bass from the throat. It's a milder voice for me but it's still more like I'm hearing my voice than anything else I think.

it’s kind of like a memory of what you think your voice sounds like, definitely more like a monologue

yes, “less than a picture but more than words” seems like a good way to put it!

Swearing a lot at ducks while fishing, never got more than a quack back so far and I hope it stays that way, but I'll keep my ears open!

Other than the show changing since the move Spotify just isn't a good media player, and it's a shitty podcast app.

A while ago I looked up the company that made mine, think they closed down in 1966 or around there. So it's at least that old, but could be 10 or 20 years older or even more. Use it every week :)

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