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sounded correct to me. You just misunderstood, undrstandable. "Google Font" is the name of the product. If the title was "Google's fonts redesigned", then I'd agree.

nothing to do with death, but how hospitals don't know what they are doing sometimes.

when I was really young I jammed my finger. went to the hospital to get it checked. they were putting a wrist splint on me. I asked how that helped my finger. he quickly took it off.

If I was older I would have just tapped it up.

Thanks for the tip. I used rdio, currently spotify, and pandora. My method in finding songs was going to Pandora and adding songs I loved from their to spotify. Pandora seems to be great at finding similar sounding songs to what I request.

The whole finding people to follow is what is the problem for me. It takes time finding accounts to follow. Friends dont have similar taste in music. Apple has the right idea in picking songs/artist you like before you get to start the service so you get something you like in your feed.

someone make an app to connect users to awesome playlists based on songs/genre/and more

The initial bootstrap period is definitely a missing piece that Soundcloud could and should build.

"DiscoverTracks" is a service to help with part of the process (it looks at your likes and plays you related tracks based on the likes of friends and friends of friends I believe.) Doesn't solve the entire issue, but it's handy: https://www.discovertracks.com/

You can try 8tracks.com. They have curated playlists based on genre/mood/etc. I generally just search by an artist I like then browse through all the different playlists to find something else I like.

the big white bars in desktop? I'm okay with it. when reading, it is easier when the content is compacted. if the text was full length of a browser, supposedly it is harder to read or people lose interest. Now, youtube is video, so I'm not sure whats up with their white bars but I digress.

Even Google Reader had a maximum width of its content with any white space being on the right side of the content. I MUCH prefer this UI.

nah. people (content marketers) post on medium in hope they click on their personal link in the author bio, which has their blog and content they wouldn't put on medium.

I created a "baseball" game that only involves a ball and 2 gloves. The point is to make the other miss the catch. Fun times creating backyard games.

sounds like they are using it wrong. user error.

Or privacy fail in the applicatio design/UI

so Sunrise gets sunset :)

My DSL and landline would become weak every time it rained. Once I switched to FiOS that disappeared.

he meant DO beats them in design, documentation, UX. of course, AWS/GCE are more powerful.

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