If you have a simulation where realtime is 60 fps, you could simulate a little over 4.5 hours per second if you could run it at 1M fps. That would definitely help with learning rate.
He's not saying "break realtime into microsecond chunks."
He's saying: run through 4.5 hours of 16 millisecond chunks of time in a second. This is good for regression testing or producing training data quickly.
python3 -c 'import random, time, itertools; any(time.sleep(0.01) or print(random.choice("\u2571\u2572"), end="", flush=True) for x in itertools.repeat(None))'
The broader contexts could be this: look at this puzzle as a way for reinvent sorting as a delegation of operations (split + combine) instead of traditional "swapping" of values. As CPU arithmetic is faster then memory operations some real treasure may be hidden in this new approach.
That is clearly nonsense, as the results of performing the arithmetic still need to be written back to memory, so it's just a swap with extra operations. See also the xor-swap.
The RR diagrams are images, while the SQLite diagrams are SVG. In my view, SVG is better: it allows copy & paste. SVG would also allow adding links directly in the diagrams, but SQLite doesn't have that (so far).
The diagrams for the H2 database [1], and Apache Jackrabbit Oak [2], do have links. (I wrote the generator for those.)