A cousin works at JPL leading the Mars Rover program. Her house burnt down this afternoon :(
She's moved to an RV on her parent's property an hour away, temporarily. Thankful for backup option, but she put a lot of sweat and tears (and money) into fixing that little house up!
I really liked the different sections for each sub-brand they had previously. The new design has all of the products together which is easy to navigate but it is less distinguishing about the offerings. Overall, the experience is still a positive one
I would second the previous comment about gradually chipping off pieces of your current app into a new foundation/architecture/framework, rather than a full re-write.
Rewrites don't go how we think they will, and the cut-off and migration between the two certainly doesn't either. It becomes unwieldy very fast, and in ways we couldn't predict.
I've had to do a handful of very large PHP-based rewrites, and I would still recommend a piece-meal approach. It isn't so much that one way is inherently "better" than the other as far as the code goes; git is amazing, and tests do what tests do. It's more that you can reason about the features, changes, and data flow if you take it one piece at a time. And also, lots of tools, libraries, and services that you use will release updates in the time that you're rewriting, which causes its own headache too.
Sure, the tradeoff is that going one piece at a time takes longer, but you have time on your side because you have revenue and a a customer base. If you were a startup that didn't have that, sure, go for the fast approach and fix it later.
But I think when all is said and done, we can go fast and build something that doesn't work, or we can go slow and keep both things running and swap out smaller pieces along the way. As they say, "slow is smooth, and smooth is fast."
Also, holler if your org could use some help. Seattle based.
She's moved to an RV on her parent's property an hour away, temporarily. Thankful for backup option, but she put a lot of sweat and tears (and money) into fixing that little house up!