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Awesome! Love the slot for the Flipper.

I had a lot of fun putting my own version of this list together!

I highly recommend the log of 100R's relatively recent passage across the Pacific where they put these ideas to practice, Busy Doing Nothing: https://100r.co/site/busy_doing_nothing.html

Seconding this, but using Feedbin as my aggregator and Reeder on macOS and iOS.

This crashes on macOS for me:

> … not valid for use in process: mapped file has no cdhash, completely unsigned? Code has to be at least ad-hoc signed.

Oof, thanks for reporting this. I think something might've broke in the code signing/notarization process for macOS recently.

Could you post an issue with the details on the issue tracker? https://github.com/Hyperchroma/hyperchroma/issues

Issue should be resolved now. Apologies!

same issue


Just wanted to let you know that the issue should be resolved now. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Fastmail has one of these in the entryway to our Philadelphia office. It's been a lot of fun playing with the API — so far, we've made an integration with our company's chatbot [1] to manage "board tokens" [2] which allow folks to post to it (without clobbering each other's designs); a web UI to create designs which can be posted using the bot; and a 'vesta show' command, which creates a composite image of each cell of the board to represent the current board state (e.g. [3]) so that our colleagues in Australia and elsewhere can participate.

It's a lot of fun!

[1] https://github.com/fastmail/synergy

[2] Token in the "arcade token" sense, not "authorization token"

[3] https://dev.joewoods.dev/img/vesta-show-20211124.png — note my sloppy normalization of the brightness of the cells

Just to second this…Joe has done lots of great work at Fastmail, but ‘vesta show’ might be my favorite.

Ah, that probably explains the Discord outage, then!

Very cool! It looks like the primary focus here is displaying the messages in multiple folders at the same time; I like the message opens where it has space to open.

The account management settings page mentions needing an application password for Gmail — you'll also need one to add a Fastmail account (it looks like it retrieves through IMAP and sends through SMTP).

When I added an account, the account's existing folders weren't displayed to me anywhere (I was expecting the sidebar), but it looks like you can add a column for an existing folder and it'll just work.

It also looks like the action of dragging a message from one column to another removes it from one folder and adds it to another, which makes sense for a kanban board, but might get a little weird with Fastmail's labels mode, where a message can exist in multiple folders! (https://beta.fastmail.com/help/receive/labels-beta.html)

Thank you for the feedback, this is incredibly helpful!

- Regarding the new account message I shall update this to point at the providers page (https://github.com/Oxygem/Kanmail/issues/81)

- I like the idea of auto populating sidebar folders (without causing cluter, one to investigate) (https://github.com/Oxygem/Kanmail/issues/82)

- Originally Kanmail did copy emails between folders/labels (matching Gmail) but moving emails is more IMAP friendly in general. However, perhaps an option to copy is the best solution here, giving the end user the choice (https://github.com/Oxygem/Kanmail/issues/83)

> Due to release process failures, Node.js v10.20.0 shipped with source and header tarballs that did not properly match the final release commit that was used to build the binaries. We recommend that Node.js v10.20.0 not be used, particularly in any applications using native add-ons or where compiling Node.js from source is involved.


Through friends, I've become a little acquainted with the art industry and how collections happen and get shown in the most general terms.

I feel like Etsy used to be a place where individual creators created things… and now it's mostly used by industry professionals with a specific vibe or aesthetic feel.

Is the thing that distinguishes Art in Res from something like Artsy that you're buying directly from the artist? How do you all plan to deal with, for example, galleries that might want to use or abuse this platform?

Etsy used to be full of actual creators, now it is full of drop-shippers who sell premade junk.

There are outliers, but it's not unusual to see art being churned out by factories, or shops full of stuff from AliExpress.

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