Great find! I'll create an issue for this one. I'm guessing it's related to the media queries that are taking place (or possibly, JS). Will track this one and comment on your reply again once it's fixed.
Unless you have heavy experience hosting and tuning prometheus, its not easy to be that cost efficient. It has a tendency to OOM crash on heavy queries if enough memory isnt provided, and provisioning huge memory for occasional queries becomes expensive quickly. Not to mention backups and replicas.
Could be that the typical Yahoo mail user is less technically savvy than the users of other email providers and more prone to making mistakes which makes it easier for the account to be hacked.
What the author seems to be missing is that most of what we keep secret can be taken by someone with a malicious intent and used against us. This is a major reason some things are best kept private.
I'm not sure whether its timing based or whether you just need to mash buttons like hell? If it is turn based it makes sense, but not much I can do with 300 ms latency as I watch the bar flying by getting redder and redder.
edit: Seems like its just button mashing. Seems hard to keep up the mashing with high latency, as the other person just plain reacts almost half a seconds before you.
Nowhere in the article does the author blame this for the perceived issues he mentions. In fact from his tone, this seems to be a positive in the way Singapore has improved in modern terms.
I meant the attributes that we measure progress by. Quoted straight from the article - "It leads the world in education, banking, shipping and has created a everyday existence of unrivaled cleanliness, safety and stability"
education, banking and shipping are of course all much easier in a city state which is advantageously located and was, prior to decolonialistion, full of the best facilities for all of these in the region by far..
safety, cleanliness and stability are all pretty straightforward attributes of authoriarianism . Unless we want to reconsider our concpetion of 20th century governments usually deemed 'backward' which also achieved this, I'm not sure we should call this 'progress'