In fact, I am taking a short break from a problem that reduces to graph coloring with 2 colors. [1] If you interview with our team we will absolutely ask LC style algorithmic problems because one will definitely use that knowledge with us, a lot.
The problem is not LC style interviews per se. The problem is not enough companies tailoring their interview to the role they're trying to fill.
“Tesla’s physics requires a quite different understanding of mathematics, in some extent it is sacral in the spirit of Pythagoras. Pythagoras considered that numbers and subjects are interrelated. They correspond to each other in property due to informational and mathematical aspects of matter existing as one of the manifestations of the Divine Logos.”
Check on the section on WW2, "An average of 20 pounds of coffee were consumed a year per adult. ... This amount was cut in half to 10 pounds a year, as one pound of coffee was allotted to each person over 15 years old every five weeks."