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If someone is missing a universal ui language for the web, this is it.


not enough advertising?

Have you tried asking at https://www.reddit.com/r/laravel/ ?

Like running the Windows version of Gimp in Wine in X Window in Chrome inside Firefox on a Mac? http://imgur.com/a/wRals

From: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-death...

Today I learned

In general, a good practice is to avoid anonymous functions for the listener else it is not possible to remove the event later.

I guess the function could still be anonymous, but you will at least need to keep it assigned to some variable or property name. If you make use of the `handleEvent` pattern that @carussell suggested, you can however avoid having to keep track of all these callback functions since the listener can always be removed by passing `this` a second time:

['click', 'focus', 'blur'].forEach(type => elm.removeEventListener(type, this));

I guess it played a role in getting html5/css3/web-standards features up to speed

The Adobe Flex thing had lot of css3 features early. Funny to see how 'easy' it is to release specs and implementation when you are the sole owner of the tech

The two companies kind of merged and Adobe continued to employ some of the original members from the Flash team



Isn't this something like what's been emerging on Twitch and YouTube the last couple of years?

Eg. during The Electronic Entertainment Expo 2017 (E3) in June there where multiple YouTube channels streaming with side chat, comments and what not. I think I have seen it with the recent Star Wars releases too. Maybe it is not quite what you describe, but this seems to be a trend

Recording, https://www.twitch.tv/videos/152047092

Yup! Though, I'd take it further:

- Have it be friends-specific. I don't always want to watch with strangers.

- Be able to talk to each other, but modify the audio on-the-fly so that it doesn't overpower the audio from the show. In the ideal case, I want to be able to "hear" from my friend on my "left". Hard to do, but worth it

- If it's totally public, there has to be a way to surface relevant content. Twitch has more of a "stadium" feel. I want something more high-quality. I want to hear what my favorite reviewer from the A.V. Club is saying, for example

- Emoji reactions!!!!!!!! Sticky-text isn't always the best thing, sometimes I just want in-the-moment ephemeral reactions

- Discovery for online watching groups. This can split out to something far better down the line

- Integration with PS4, XBox 1, Apple TV, Roku, and other TV platforms. I don't want to look at my phone while watching Game of Thrones or my favorite movie

The Xbox One was going to have this exact feature at launch, but I think they ended up killing it?

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