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Looks cool man.

Does it have a way to do tabs, and split terminal vertical and horizontal? Those are the only features keeping me on Terminator.

I've tried Tmux, but it isn't the same, so please commenters, avoid from the suggestion.

Yes we have both as native UI elements.

Learning Rust.

Learning how to draw.

It isn't a per-soldier thing. It's just pieces of fabric that are all cut differently. They aren't out there making sure one person has a specific pattern that matches every single one of their uniforms, and doesn't match someone else's.

I get the line of thinking, and I tend to agree that if they really wanted to, they could figure out a way to match the pattern of a uniform to the person if the person had published a picture of themselves wearing the article on something like Facebook.

But that's a big if. When I was in the military, I think I posted like one picture of me in camo and the resolution was so low that you probably didn't have enough detail to come to any conclusions.

The US has about 24K soldiers in Korea. That's not that many. Presumably they stand at attention every so often anyways. So photograph them all standing at attention and match the camo.

You think they only have one uniform?

The thing I love about Hacker News is that someone can post an article like this, then the author of the paper shows up to answer any questions. Keep being awesome.

You should send a "continue and persist" letter. From a HN post a few days ago: https://continueandpersist.org/

I love Swarm and don't see the appeal of K8s when something as simple as Swarm exists. I do however run K8s in prod for work and would never run Swarm in prod due to Docker seeming to have its days numbered. Idk where that leaves us aside from ECS. But I also have no need to run something any more robust than ECS in AWS for my workload.

We are moving our EKS workload over to ECS over the next year. I expect needing to down size my team because of it.

One thing K8s is not is cheap. That shit takes a well oiled team or a couple of hot shots so do right. We probably did a lot of what makes it expensive to ourselves by not switching to managed add-ons sooner and never evolving the apps that run in the cluster. I've only been lead for about 5 months now, but I'm finally able to start making significant progress on the necessary evolution that I've been trying to make happen for 2 years before my promotion. The enterprise is a big ship. Takes time to turn. Thanks for reading what turned into a rambling vent session.

I agree it depends on the situation, but there still are some situations (like small apps) where I see swarm as the way to go. Yours is probably different.

Maybe if the rocket knows where it is because it knows where it isn't.

That is what they told us in missile maintenance school.

And gyros have gotten a lot better. Especially if you're throwing money at the issue like you know those folks are.

Isn't native C/C++?

I'd expect C to run the best due to it being compiled. JS is pretty quick, but we're talking a microcontroller, so any speed you can pickup by reducing computation cycles is a win.

Easiest/better is using what you already know as that'll provide the best speed to MVP. If it's too slow in Python/JS, but it seems like a useful thing, it's probably worth rolling up your sleeves and learning some C. At least enough to build a python library.

From my experience on the Raspberry Pi rp2040, adding C code to a micropython build is very straightforward

My OP-1 won't turn on due to a dead battery. Not even plugged in...

There is a service that says they will do it in like Chicago. I just haven't bit that bullet.

If anyone knows of a replacement battery that ships to Hawaii, please let me know before I drop $200 to get a $2 battery replaced in my brick.

Here I was hoping someone was using the James Webb Telescope to do some crazy authentication process that I never could have imagined. Was hoping something like the Cloudflare lava lamp wall, but much slower.

They're good dogs Bret.

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