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One thing I always accidentally click is the animation-expanding Google results when I return back to the search results after visiting one of the result pages, while trying to quickly visit the next result’s page.

While it works on Wayland for me, it feels much clunkier and less snappy than what it used to be on X.

Why was it halted?

I think the original devs just got burnt out for a while https://github.com/jqlang/jq/issues/2305#issuecomment-157263...

Irrelevant but it struck me how both him and Sam Altman write in all lowercase.

One funny detail is that the OpenAI charter states that, if this happens, they will stop their own work and help the organisation that is closest to achieving OpenAI's stated goal.

But now it may be the regulations they've gotten in place will make it harder for any new upstarts to approach them.

Maybe Sam wants to build something for profit?



Second paragraph of the "Long-term safety" section.

Or it means that it's very easy for books to change your thinking. When you spend a lot of time and focus on something (e.g., reading a book) it can have an effect on you.

Tangent notes but I would really like an AI writing my commit messages and pull request summaries. Is it a thing?

Try pasting your diff into the GPT-3 playground (or just a Copilot enabled edit window) and type "write the commit message" and see what happens

> You want a database that is connected to approval processes, auditing, pay stubs, people's calendars, etc.

Does anything like that exist as a service?

I've seen resource-management[1] (formerly 10000ft) used in the past and it seems to do the job, but I wasn't an active user so I don't know all the ins and outs.


My wife works on something like that actually: https://www.shiftboard.com/employee-scheduling-software/sche...

The interesting thing is that for the internal capacity planning of her team, she uses my spreadsheet.

I haven't looked. I do all those things internally. I would be terrified of abuse if someone else got ahold of internal planning documents.

They are also archiving the AirSim repository (source: https://microsoft.github.io/AirSim/). I guess they figured out how to monetize this.

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