Any service without a free tier pays more than Spotify because only premium users contribute to the number of streaming that will be payed.
In some sense, premium Spotify users pay also for the free users and, therefore, the average is lower (yes, there is ads income but I bet is negligible).
I agree. For months, I wanted to ditch Bootstrap from my blog theme and implement all the CSS from scratch. But the idea of making a "perfect" theme was daunting. Then, at some point, I just decided to go for it and publish my very incomplete WIP theme anyway. Working on it "live" has been liberating and, honestly, more fun than expected.
On my website, I set up a webhook to a Zapier “send email” zap: I have a basic contact form and a button that, in practice, does a POST to the Zapier webhook with the email content.
It is not perfect, but it works for my very little volume and hides my email to the outside (I rarely get spam on the email address linked to the contact form).
I am still very surprised that Apple allows this kind of CSS/plugin power. I wonder if the reason is that Obsidian is so popular among a lot of influential iOS users, that rejecting it would be a huge PR disaster. :D
Anyway, it is good to see Obsidian going strong. I am a happy user since the very beginning!
App Store allows external code if it strictly runs under WebKit and JavaScript Core. There's a few more general restrictions (like the additional functionality must be free or use IAP).