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Unfortunately they are still highly dependent on other APIs.

When San Diego Comiccon went live on funko.com (shopify) the website was fine but the checkout was bottlenecked by the API calls to shipping providers. Many never were able to checkout and Funko had to issue an apology.

Unfortunate that no matter how great you can improve your own product you may still be dependent upon others.

I'm interested to know more about this. I've used about five different e-commerce solutions and they all make API calls to shipping providers. What was different here?

The amount of traffic was too high. Unsure if they were being throttled or if they use a task queue that went bad. Who knows.


Back in mid-October I needed to make a drastic change in my life. I spent a lot of time doing the following:

  - Mindlessly browsing the internet (FB, YT, HN, Reddit)
  - Dating apps
  - Nintendo Switch online
My wake up call happened when a few recruiters from big companies, that I'd love to work for, reached out to me about interviewing. It was then I realized how undisciplined I had been. I had no chance at either of these companies because I constantly wasted my free time instead of working on coding projects or bettering myself. So I made a change:

  - Added the Stayfocused browser extension and limited my internet wasting time to 30 min a day on weekdays
  - Deleted all my dating apps (this by far gave me the most sense of freedom and clarity which surprised me)
  - Stopped playing Switch altogether
That's it! My goal was not "go to the gym", "journal", "go on walks", "read more books"...but guess what...that's what happened! When I stopped/limited doing all of these time wasting activities I created a new void in my life. I suddenly had a lot more free time every day. My natural reaction was to go waste it, but now I could not...so I started going on walks instead. I started doing coding challenges and reading coding books on topics I knew I was weak in. I started journaling more and went to the gym 4 times a week.

Let me tell you, it has been an absolutely AMAZING life change. I highly recommend everyone take up this challenge for a month or two and see the difference in your life. If you're like me you'll never want to go back! Good luck out there!

PS. In case it helps motivate anyone, one of those companies was Google. I passed the phone screen :). I know that may be easy for some people here but I was completely unprepared when I was approached and I know this life change 3 months ago made the difference.

Beautiful images. They use "A high-resolution method, called Airyscan super-resolution microscopy"

I'm guessing this type of microscope: https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/us/products/confocal-micros...

And I had never heard of the "Basic Principle of Airyscanning" which is pretty neat: https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/us/products/confocal-micros...

> They identified organic matter and calcium crystals with ultraviolet light, which uses different wavelengths to make distinct minerals glow.

> A high-resolution method, called Airyscan super-resolution microscopy, captured colorful snapshots of organic matter and crystal layers in the kidney stones, “crosscut and truncated” by newer crevices, triangles and other geometrics, Dr. Fouke said.

This was the email our team received:

Our monitoring app has been unable to reach your database (name) since at 2018-05-31 21:57:34 UTC. This is likely due to an underlying hardware or network failure and not something caused by your application.

We're attempting to bring it back online automatically. If we can't, we'll page an engineer to help.

When your database is available again, performance may be temporarily reduced while Postgres rebuilds its cache through normal usage.

Was asking myself the same thing, there's not much helpful info here and this keeps getting upvoted with no discussion, makes me feel like inflated votes for exposure

I think a lot of the people here are checking out the app and seeing the how it works/the benefits there, but I can provide some more info here for you. As I said in the other comment just then, you would listen to hypnosis sessions designed to retrain thought patterns that are affecting your poductivity and self-development. This includes behaviours such as concentration, confidence and much more. If there is anything you have questions about, feel free to ask them here and I'll respond asap!

My favorite example of an 'ordinary' person who gained an extraordinary mental ability is Daniel Tammet. He learned Icelandic in a week. Spent 2 weeks and memorized pi to 22,000+ digits.


I really enjoyed reading about Daniel Tammet and his book (Born on a Blue Day) is fascinating, but I'd hesitate to describe him as 'ordinary'. He's likely somewhere on the autism spectrum and also has synesthesia which affects his perception of numbers (amongst other things); his relationship with the world is going to be very different than for most people.

He had one epileptic event in his childhood which may be why he was called 'ordinary.' The confound with autism of course makes the 'ordinary' designation hard to justify though (as you suggest).

good recent interview with Daniel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBqBTCIoLlY

I don't think it is correct to say that he memorized pi, more that he recited pi because his brain simply produced it for him he did not have to look it up.

Except that he wasn't actively calculating more digits of pi, some part of his brain had remembered the digits and was playing them back. Maybe some sub-conscious part memorized it, but it was still memorization.

So just to put my neuroscientist hat on for a moment, memorization is almost always used to mean the use of some mnemonic in order to enable later recall. I'm saying that he never looked at the 137,493rd digit of pi, and that could very well be wrong based on what actually happened, but I think of this more like the other savant in the video who just has the day of the week for a date pop into his head even for dates that have not occurred yet. In those cases 'memorization' is not the word to use.

There are many different ways to memorize information, including mnemonics, visualization, auditory recall, conceptualization, and probably a lot of others. Ancient Romans and Greeks used the method of loci[1] to memorize massive amounts of information that used spacial memory to store information in a virtual palace or room in your mind, which doesn't use mnemonics. From the wiki:

"In this technique the subject memorizes the layout of some building, or the arrangement of shops on a street, or any geographical entity which is composed of a number of discrete loci. When desiring to remember a set of items the subject 'walks' through these loci in their imagination and commits an item to each one by forming an image between the item and any feature of that locus. Retrieval of items is achieved by 'walking' through the loci, allowing the latter to activate the desired items."

Different aphasias like anomic aphasia(the inability or difficulty to retrieving particular verbs or nouns)[1] indicate that the systems used to store and retrieve different forms of memory differ depending on the type of information, or at very least that the concept of a thing is stored differently than its word.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anomic_aphasia

All calendar calculation is done with techniques and/or memorization. All pi memorization is done with mnemonic techniques. I've been in that scene for 7+ years and have never seen a credible exception.

Are you a neuroscientist, or do you just have a hat?

Yes a neuroscientist, sadly no hat.

From my understanding he does not calculate pi in his head, he does memorise it.

> The people are also -- in general -- much friendlier.

This is the biggest factor for me as someone who grew up in Texas and is now in Los Angeles

I feel like this happens in cities with a lot of transplants. Most people move to big cities because they are (or think they are) the best at what they do. That makes it difficult for me to know who to trust since I don't know off the bat if someone is talking to me because they are genuinely nice or because they want to see if I can be used to help them achieve their goals. It's a vicious cycle because it causes me to put my guard up and in turn be less friendly than I am with people I really know.

Getting text alerts for Star Wars movie tickets as well as the NES and SNES classic :)

It's 0.1% of customers, not a samsung s7.

If they are willing to pull their product for 0.1% of customers they will probably announce a refund, give it a week .

S7 note sold about 2M phones and less than 200 went poof. So, it's actually 10 times worse

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