This is a really poor article. It doesn't really explain why JavaScript is doomed. It doesn't explain what's bad about JavaScript... but then he goes on to list some frameworks on top of JS that are awesome. Sorry, but if JS sucked, then how is it possibly to have awesome frameworks derived on top of JS? Surely, those are examples of how cool JS is. And how can you say Node.js is cool, but JS sucks.
Sigh... Besides that this article is a jumbled mess to read, the TL;DR of it would essentially boil down to: "I don't like JavaScript because I don't like the way it looks. It's doomed!"
why? for pointing out that, in 2013, someone had the revelation that if you fish in someone elses pond, be careful... because they might cut off your access?
And, yet, running the same test on my own varnish server yields 33k requests/sec with 50 concurrent requests and 28k requests/sec with 200 concurrent requests.
Something tells me that perhaps Tod Sul is doing something wrong.
Yes, but FirePHP was definitively not available for Chrome when ChromePHP (now Chrome Logger) first came out, and as far as I can see ( it doesn't officially support it yet.