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A friend was bumped on a full flight from London to Europe last week because he didn't check in early enough, but I haven't heard of it happening on the continent side.

This tells me that the page does not exist (apparently because I'm in a GDPR region that doesn't allow this behavior from LinkedIn, I understand now from reading this thread).

I'm currently sitting in a GDPR region, though just visiting.

The setting is visible and settable for me (it was ON, now it's OFF)

Same here. I live in a GDPR country.

My best engineers don't want a promotion, but they wanted to be optimally and continuously rewarded both financially and with the ability to be able to decline non-meaningful or low-interest tasks. As Gary Tan's quote said: learn or earn, but better: both. A good engineer should be getting that.

How did prime help you in another country? I tried that because I get better prices in my neighbouring EU country but it won't ship to me with prime shipping.

I can confirm it doesn't help with shipping, but you still get the rest of the prime offer (video, ebooks etc) from the country where you signed up for, e.g. I get Italian prime video content abroad.

That pisses me off because you can't get prime video UK content in Ireland, even though the shipping works. You get some subset of it.

Maybe it doesn't work anymore. Used to buy from .fr and .de all the time before they introduced .com.be

I still check both .de and .nl when Amazon is the only place to find something. The prices vary too much not to.

I do this with 'spiced chai' (cardomom or other spice teas). It gives a delicious full flavour, but ugh no cow milk please. Oat or almond.

Good to see this essay, it resonates a lot with me after a hard week with staff which fortunately had a positive outcome in the end thanks to what I've come to believe is important. Having been through several disasters as a founder and come through: scaling is possible through clear, direct communication and setting heuristics that are important to you as the founder, and having senior management develop processes. Iterate through each failure, develop stronger heuristics and documentation, communicate and communicate and communicate again and again to your team and you should find that over time it's embedded in culture as if it were written in stone. "Hire good people and let them do their job" has only worked for me once we were in full agreement on the outcomes, including budget, time, resources and how we treat each other.

What dreams may come is sublime, and sad and beautiful. I've rewatched and remain charmed.

Try 2006's The Fall for another special film that surprises your heart and gives a visual treat.

Also really enjoyed What Dreams May Come despite its lack of success at the box office.

People are probably already aware of the fact, but it is based on a novel of the same name by Richard Matheson — who also wrote I Am Legend (which has had its own fair share of film adaptations).

The original, which is for sure a lovely photo, is difficult because the image exists for a purpose which isolates, and simultaneously draws attention to, certain demographics. I recommended checking out Berger's series Ways of Seeing, which explains it a lot better than I can.


I'm sure Lena could say she had the photo taken for herself and her own enjoyment of her beauty, however it was paid for by by a men's magazine so self-appreciation probably not what she or the photographer had in mind.

"Berger asserts that only twenty or thirty nudes in the European oil painting tradition depict a woman as herself rather than as a subject of male idealisation or desire."

> "Berger asserts that only twenty or thirty nudes in the European oil painting tradition depict a woman as herself rather than as a subject of male idealisation or desire."

I fully agree. Now, could you explain what is the problem with that?

If you care to do some reading: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Male_gaze

I started reading but there is a lot of content with little substance and repeated phrases, with some debatable opinions like "because the woman does not have a penis, her female presence provokes sexual insecurity in the unconscious of the male, wherein women are passive recipients of male objectification."

Could you point out what is actually wrong with one person being attracted by another person?

It's too easy to hide wealth so you'd need to choose some other metric such as private jet rides, then have some kind of lottery.

I used to dump our Slack chats to github every month before we were a paying customer. Works great to keep everything and still share with the team.

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