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Good job the doctor running my treatment stays up to date with modern techniques instead of bemoaning the age of her qualification.

The degree should teach you the techniques to manage your own learning. It is a piece of paper that certifies you can work by yourself or in groups on non trivial tasks, with insight and advice from a more experiences peer.

The majority of my lecturers at university were behind the latest technology, so how could they teach them.

Apple seems to be taking another turn towards open source software. The spinning off of the cli build tools into an smaller package makes like easier for tools like homebrew and fink. Supporting projects like this is a very good sign.

Well, they've been supporting XQuartz since at least 2007...

The issue with learning objective c is the lack of portability. Yes the language runs on everything via the use of gnustep, but on first appearances its is nextstep ported to modern hardware.

As a disclaimer objective c is my language of choice, my plan this year is to make the code portable.

If you want to make your code portable to Android, consider helping the effort to port Objective-C to it (specifically, enough to get cocos2d running).

Some info here: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/25414

Don't port objective-C to android for Cocoas 2D. Cocoas2D is a fluster-cuck enough on iOS.

Thats insane, why not just port cocos2d itself (I think there might have been an effort before) - after all the original cocos2d was python, so it's been ported across languages before.

Works well enough that many successful games use it. I'd welcome cocos2d on android.

Its a shame they dont sell the most useful C book of them all.

Works in DOSBOX

I could get any flights from wolframalpha in aberdeen. That is much cooler.

Its worse getting dropped into $USER_FRIENDLY_EDITOR_OF_THE_MOMENT. It's cool that the sys admin or the distro developer loves to use pico, nano, joe whatever, but I just want to make my change and move on.

Thats brilliant. It reminds me of the size matters article I read a couple of years ago, the most difficult title to google too http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tiny/teensy.htm...

I really disagree with the use of bad guy in any of those laws. It biases the reader from the get go to only worry about the bad guy, you should worry about every user.

The articles says this, "If a stranger walked up to you and handed you a sandwich, would you eat it? Probably not. How about if your best friend gave you a sandwich? Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't—it depends on whether she made it or found it lying in the street. Apply the same critical thought to a program that you would to a sandwich, and you'll usually be safe."

Which I thought was pretty good.

I thought you wanted them to say bad guy or gal.

I cannot believe how addictive this is to watch. Really makes me feel like I am wasting my time though.

RealITy television.

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