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It's a marketing ploy to get you to buy larger (wider) monitors in order to avoid line wrapping.

My only gripe about developing on a 13" MBP is not being able to have 2 buffers side by side without wrapping the snot out of half the lines.

++ for pep8 :)

I'd let them slide on that if they had the brass to announce it was running on CoreData.

Theres a security researcher commenting on techcrunch claiming he's responsible for the breach here http://fyre.it/tjlVmC.4

His proof uploaded to youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q000_EOWy80

Taking 40k records is more than just penetration testing.

I bet Forstall did it.

Forstall has the backups.

Hope someone grabs Palin's old (compromised) email. This decision by Yahoo is a troll's wet dream.

I'm fairly certain grabbing an unused address doesn't give you the old e-mail...

But you can do password recovery on every service they've ever used with that email and get any private info from that service. Yahoo should define "dormant" as an email that hasn't RECEIVED email in over X years. Also they should lock the dormant email addresses for 5 years before releasing them to new users.

I'm told this was scheduled.

It's hard to believe that something this long would have been scheduled but that they wouldn't have told anyone about it.

Grab (cmd+shift+4) for capturing images. QuickTime for video.

No 3rd party app needed.

The behavior is nuts, not the ad. The ad is perfectly in tune with the unfortunate reality. Today people engage more with gadgets and are obsessed with capturing everything on camera.

While Apple and other manufacturers are the cause of the former, it's all the startups feeding on people's narcissistic tendencies thats caused the later, and in my opinion, the worst part.

We're not going to look back at this in the future and shake our heads at the absurdity of the ad, but the absurdity of the culture.

And pbcopy/pbpaste on OSX.

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