I worked for an aircraft parts manufacturer, they closed an entire factory / production site rather than try and upgrade the manufacturing system or move the part production onto the new one they had implemented.
500 people out of work. Tell me again how simple everything is to fix.
What I'm trying to say is that it was mismanagement, which was well known at the time. Hong Kong also has Metro, trains (at the time), buses, trams, ferries. All from different companies. In Melbourne they are actually mostly under the same government agency.
It’s from the original borne / korn shell in Unix. Ctrl H was backspace, but the pc keyboards would send a different control character. you often had to map the backspace on the pc keyboard to make it work properly. Set -o or something like that.
It's interesting to hear that because IHMO one of the reasons OAuth and JWT took over the world is that you can base64 decode the tokens and see whats inside them, compared to Kerb or NTLM which you eventually learn to spot based on their binary headers or whatever (eg NTLM tokens in HTTP Headers always start with "TRIM" for some reason)
I get the problem though, many of the libraries are not great or simply difficult to use
The whole point of access tokens is to not do expensive checks on every request. Signature checks out and isn't expired - you are free to go. This is a core design thing of OAuth, once access tokens are out the door they are very hard to stop, so only let them last for 5 or 10 mins and use refresh tokens to get new access tokens.
Refresh tokens are your chance to do all the expensive checks - maybe you are IP restricted or want to step up with MFA etc etc. Check revocation etc
Yes, single log out is an ongoing nightmare. <Stares at Ping>
As many here have said the size and range of use cases that OAuth and OIDC support is off its head. And that's with the big boys who have millions of users, throw in ${EveryCorp} that implements its own token server and bespoke implementation of the auth, well.. good luck to the AI trying to take over our jobs.
500 people out of work. Tell me again how simple everything is to fix.