Actually it's more like: hey, let's take two tools that ought to be used with utmost caution by people who know what they're doing and why they need them, and present them as the best thing since sliced bread.
The huge majority of uses for either would be better served without them.
What elitist attitude? Agree, we all have to start somewhere, and the basics --a relational DB and a synchronous framework are fine somewheres to start from.
Now, when (and if) you know enough about those, by all means move on to NoSQL etc.
Note, though, that I'm taking about people using it in production and not knowing what the compromises are --the "Mongo DB is webscale" and "node.js is damn fast" people.
I have no problem with people that are just using it to play/experiment with (though, they too would have to understand the compromises eventually).
Mongo is excellent but I'd argue that Node and CouchDB is even a better fit because there's not even a driver involved, it's one HTTP request which just calls another.
Assembly = "as low as you can go". You can always build things on top of it, but you can never go any deeper. Javascript shares that much. Not too much else.