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BTW: There's more than one Frankfurt in Germany.

I charge my Series 0 Apple Watch once a day when it's at about 50%.

I probably haven't read anything that won a "normal" prize. At least not in the decades after school.

I've read a few old books who won Science Fiction prizes like the Hugo Award. But today even these are a bit too political.

Then why post here?

The title of the post: Who Cares About Literary Prizes?

They still get a lot of development aid from foreign countries. Germany approved new €765.02 million in 2018.

That's hard to explain.

India announced a $1 billion line of credit (concessional loans) for the development of the resource-rich Far East region of Russia on Thursday. Explain this.


I'm programming since the 1980s. This feels very, very strange to me. I wouldn't want to rely on so many moving parts even after the whole software got installed.

They have a totally different philosophy than us old folks.

Weppy is considered a known older one. That's a sign that I'm getting old.

Last time I wanted to give it a try they wanted to install on the small system drive. :-(

There are so many standardized languages out there that have many implementations. Some commercial and some free.

Are there other free Ada compilers out there or is the language too complex for simple enthusiasts to implement a compiler themselves?

Ada isn't owned by one company.

Ada has around 6 implementations available, only GNAT is open source.

The language is at the same level as Haskell, OCaml, C++ or similar.

Our political systems in the free world are very resistant to change. A party can be founded to further an important topic but people demand that they have a broader program and address all kinds of topics.

And then you end up with another copy of some party.

Then, you should allow to have more than one party together, so that if some party is some issues and other party can then make the other issues that they are more knowledgeable about.

(Maybe the result is that there is no single prime minister, but maybe that isn't the result; I don't know.)

Americans have landfills and Germans recycle and burn the plastic.

Where is all the plastic in the oceans coming from???

From all over the world. Germans cannot recycle most plastics - it's simply not viable at scale at this time. Therefore things are shipped to Asia.

The plastic created and received in Asia often lands in landfills and subsequently in rivers. A handful of major streams transport massive amounts of plastic waste into the Pacific ocean [1].

That's at least where a good chunk of it is coming from. That's how you get US or European plastic running down rivers in China into the Pacific.

[1] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/06/90-of-plastic-polluti...

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