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"It is now possible to configure the number of concurrent requests served by each of your app's dynamic instances ..."

Wow! This is huge!

I wonder if other platforms (Java, PHP, Python) will also get this. Go is wickedly fast, starting up and instance as well as serving a request. And now that an instance scales to much more concurrent requests it even scales fantastically. Awesome.

EDIT I just saw in the documentation that Java can do this as well! Our main business runs Java on App Engine and I never heard about this ... odd.

Wow, how did you create this list? manually? automatically?

It's quite interesting to compare it to ProgrammableWeb API directory (http://www.programmableweb.com/apis/directory) which has 10,555 entries.

Apparently it uses data from Mashape API Marketplace https://www.mashape.com/

i just visited mashape.com. i was there just in time to see the API call counter hit exactly 1,300,000,000.

Completely agree with you..

There is nothing new in this website, it is fetching data from specified website.

It indicates it's made by the Mashape API Marketplace people. Not sure why the accusatory tone.

Good to see some activity there!

I picked up https://github.com/cihub/seelog some time ago, fits my needs :)

I wonder what the differences between these two logging libraries are?

I know Tim wrote loggo specifically to solve some logging problems with Juju, which as the largest open source project in go, and as distributed system management tool puts a lot of pressure on getting good logging in place. But I'm less familiar with seelog's history, and the motivations behind it.

That's what I did. I received an offer since. It's way below $500.

Is there a marketplace where similar domains are traded?

Well, it's a bit similar to Google Analytics in that sense. I suppose they gain 'insight'.

thanks for the data point!

Does anyone have experiences with this kind of recruiting event? Is it worth the time/money?

OP here.

I created this little script out of my own frustration. The game is great, I shared it with a lot of friends. But what really annoys me is that the guess map is not expandable. It's just tiny.

This userscript tries to remedy that. It adds an "Expand Map" button to the UI and makes the map almost fullscreen (http://s3.amazonaws.com/uso_ss/23108/large.png?1378278171)

To all the fellow hackers: it has an unfortunate bug. The Google Map does not resize automatically when the window is expanded, the browser must be slightly resized to trigger the Google Map to expand as well. Since the author used Backbone to write the app, it's completely encapsulated and doesn't allow access to any variables. If you know how to fix this, I'm listening!

A chill went down my spine reading this. That's a good sign.

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