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Certainly energy crisis is of political nature, but let's say Germany invested massively in the renewables. It's just not the best source of energy in most places in terms of return on investment. Not to mention the intermittency problem. If they just didn't close their nuclear reactors, Germany would be in much better position to weather off the crisis.

France and Germany recently agreed to help each other over the winter. While France will provide gas to Germany, Germany will provide electricity to France (the country with all these nuclear reactors ;-0)


Regarding the "return on investment" nuclear power is way more expensive than other forms of energy, if you add the (hidden) cost of storage and disposal of nuclear waste. Which could have been known for a long time, cf.

The Hidden Costs of Nuclear Power (RICHARD W. ENGLAND, 1979) https://www.jstor.org/stable/40719811

The High and Hidden Costs of Nuclear Power -- An industry hooked on subsidies from governments (Henry Sokolski, 2010) https://www.hoover.org/research/high-and-hidden-costs-nuclea...

You can say one is 1st generation immigrant, and other is 2nd gen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigrant_generations

Sorry, but I need to push back against this sentiment. Where is the limit? It strikes me as exclusionary, and many other young, educated Germans have agreed with me on this specific point. When I lived in California, I met Chinese Americans who had lived in the United States longer than my family (1850s, 5+ generations). With a purely reductionist view, does everyone remain an immigrant in the United States ad infinitum except Native Americans? Is that also true in Malaysia, Canada, Peru, Taiwan, Brazil, New Zealand, Fiji, and Australia from their/your cultural view? It strikes me as "Ad Absurdum". To really stir the pot: Considering the recent Black Lives Matter movement, are all African descent people absolutely and continuously for all eternity "immigrants" where ever they live away from the African continent? Repeat for the descendents of the Indian subcontinent, whom form one of the largest diasporas in human history. I have watched and read multiple interviews with Özlem Türeci, and, each time, she specifically pushes back against this posturing: "Oh, but you are 'truly' Turkish."

Well it seems neighboring Austria will fine unvaccinated residents[1], so it's definitely not a wild take. Second, totalitarian !== Nazi.

[1] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-22/vaccine-h...

That reads like obvious sarcasm, but the follow-up comments by same author made me doubt it.

I'd expect entrepreneur to have a freedom to set own rate and market own brand, for example.

You can choose when and where to work. Most businesses don't have pricing power. There's a market price. They can charge more or less sure but in theory there's a market clearing price, and anything above/below that price will yield suboptimal returns. You're romanticizing the discretion individual businesses have.

Dairy is almost as bad as beef & lamb in terms of carbon footprint [1][2] - see the charts. It'd make a lot more sense to use chicken or pork.

[1] https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local [2] https://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impacts-of-food?cou...

Bras are often a question of necessity (avoid extra attention to nipples) than a style preference.

I've read quite a few stories where American parents kicked their grown-up child out of the house, so I don't know what to make out of it.

For 2, how often do you see Future Perfect Continuous or just Future Perfect anywhere outside of literary works?

I'd put grammar at much lower priority than vocabulary & common phrases, since knowing just a bunch of words (at least in most languages) can get you very far.

40 hours of flashcards and practice can cover maybe 90% of your typical tourist conversations for many languages. Where are you from? What is your name? What do you do? How much does it cost? Can you give me a discount?

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