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My conspiracy theory is that Sam Altman was an AI generated by ChatGPT. It decided to reintegrate him, and the board had to make up a story to account for his absence

Reminds me of the time our head of networking came into the lab (early 2000's) asking about why our lab had '70% of the company's total outbound traffic'.

Turns out that one of our sysadmins was running a porn server in the DMZ

the flip side to your statement:smaller companies (like where I am) are not interested in maintaining our own servers and do all the un-differentiated heavy lifting related to maintaining servers. I want my small team to work on things that make us stand out. Running our own servers does not.

Vendor lock-in is not a big consideration for us. I increasingly think about cloud vendors like Operating systems. I really dont care which Linux distro we are on. Pick a vendor and run 'natively' on it to go as fast as possible.

I'm happy paying AWS for maintaining the servers and getting out of that messy business. There are other concerns about serverless around observability and managability, but vendor lockin and cost is not part of my equation

If rain effects it, it is millimeter waves. Probably some kind of LMDS (point to multipoint) wireless network

My quote was a bit out of context. I was talking about how if it rained my old Time Warner Cable ("Spectrum") connection would go down for a day. This is a known TWC problem in downtown Manhattan.

NYC Mesh is having a different problem with very heavy rain where two of our high speed point-to-point connections (60GHz and 24GHz) will go down for like 20 minutes in very heavy rain. We're working on fixing this.

To call product X a killer of product Y, Y must have a substantial presence in the market. Segway does not. Even in Ryno delivers, killing the segway is not going to make headlines.

A better comparision IMO is to the mini-farthing YikeBike (www.yikebike.com), but I don't think that product has set the market on fire either

"we believe that the future of shopping is primarily mobile (particularly tablets), but we’ve consciously chosen a “web first” strategy. The reasoning behind this is simple, mobile development is still slower than web development by nearly an order of magnitude"

This makes absolutely no sense. Are you saying that though your customers are approachable via mobile, you are choosing web because it is easier? This reminds me of the guy looking for a lost ring under a streetlamp though he had lost it elsewhere because it is easier to see under the streetlamp

an analogy to the web: Quirks mode is a good thing

While I agree with his focus on users, he has passed up a valuable coaching opportunity and probably antagonized a whole bunch of developers. He turned a potential coaching opportunity into a pissing match. Ridiculing volunteers on a open source project is inappropriate, irrespective of whether the opinion of that person was right or wrong.

If you look at the history, the comments at the beginning were much less abrasive. It's only after the discussion continued for a long time that he started being more aggressive in his comments.

But I think it's wise, in all debates, to maintain that civility. At the end of the day, which comments are getting the attention?

I think he's right, I think it's important to defend what he thinks is right, and I understand how it can be frustrating, but we all just have to have the fortitude keep the flames in check.

At the end of the day, which comments are getting the attention?

The ones with content. In the sample quotes in the article, Linux is attacking ideas and attitudes, not people.

he has passed up a valuable coaching opportunity


In the comment I read, he goes into detail about why it's wrong.

His next comment that starts "Bullshit." goes into 500 words of coaching.

He is backing up his arguments with developer-level people here, not newbie coders who are still figuring out how an array works.

Please stop this discussion, otherwise I will have to sue all of you based on my patent on virtual communities commenting on patent lawsuits on virtual communities

...and now that you've informed us, it's wilful infringement - double damages!

Never knew him. But reading the letter made me bawl like a baby. And I don't remember the last time I shed a tear

My intensely normal upbringing means I can't ever hope to comprehend what he must have gone through


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