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"package manager" I'd wager. Not "PERL module" :)

Maybe a better link, since it contains the video, the audio-only track and a link to the slides as a pdf: https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa11/newsql-vs-nosql-new...

I believe your main issue with understanding these things is that you're conflating (absence of) workload and boredom. Boredom stems from not having anything that engages a person in a positive way. For example, I can be drowning in work and still be bored out of my mind, even while working. The work being done is perceived as being tedious, rote and without positive emotional impact.

That being said, finding something "fun" to do for a bored person is no easy task. And sometimes nothing seems appealing to the bored person. You can try dragging them along, so that they'll get engaged in the process of doing something, but there's no guarantee that this will work. Sometimes people just need to be bored, I guess.

This study seems to not have been performed as rigorously as you'd expect: http://www.realclearscience.com/journal_club/2014/04/04/stud...

To quote the relevant part: "All of the data, including diet information, is self-reported. Thus, we have no idea precisely what vegetarians or the various meat-consuming groups were actually eating. The data is also cross-sectional. "Therefore, no statements can be made whether the poorer health in vegetarians in our study is caused by their dietary habit or if they consume this form of diet due to their poorer health status," the authors admit. Moreover, the study was based in Austria, and the Austrian diet and lifestyle significantly differs from the American diet and lifestyle.

Even if the study wasn't severely limited, it wouldn't be enough to overturn prior evidence. In a 2009 review, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association), the largest organization of food and nutrition professionals in the U.S., declared that "appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases." More recently, a 2012 review published in the journal Public Health Nutrition, found that vegetarian diets have not shown any adverse effects on health. "

eInk based ebook readers have been around since at least the iRex in '06. My current jetBook in the same format as the Sony here even has 4096 colors. The thing that always kept theory from practice for me was the high latency when doing the actual annotations. 150ms is too much when writing and your pen is 3 strokes ahead of the display.

Is this reader any different? Just looking at the page, I don't quite get what makes it different and HN worthy?

Which does make it sexy for those of us who prefer quality to glossy hype.

It's Colin Firth rather than Hugh Grant.

If the chrome devs in their infinite wisdom lumped cookies and HTML5 localstore together, then yes.

Yeah, it's one option in Chrome unfortunately:

"Cookies, site, and plug-in data:

Cookies: Files stored on your computer by websites you've visited. These files contain user information, such as preferences for websites or profile information.

Site data: HTML5 enabled storage types including application caches, Web Storage data, Web SQL Database data, and Indexed Database data.

Plug-in data: Any client-side data stored by plug-ins that use the NPAPI ClearSiteData API"


I had the opposite impression. My initial reaction was "how immature and technological incompetent are your users?".

I'm guessing the app is being marketed towards hipster frontend devs.

I'm far from a hipster front end dev I think; but I just happen to like the general 'tone' of this guys (if you're reading, sorry for referring to you as this guy) writing style. So probably I'm not in his target demographic.

Stuff like "Make Panic Jealous" target a really specific group of users (ye-olde average user doesn't know who/what Panic is) but really add flavour to his companies image.

Of course, to each his own. I don't like the writing style in Romeo and Juliet; does that make me a hater of the arts?


Is double-edge sword as you may guess.

The issue with the regex seems to be the nested * matcher in the last part, paired with the grouping: ([\/\w \.-]* )* (whitespace added to re to circumvent italisizing by HN).

IIRC this was a pathological case with perl5.0 regexes as well.

Removing one of the redundant * or marking the grouping to be non-capturing with ?: seems to fix the problem.

Looks like the regex optimizer could use some love.

Which won't matter if you're a normal user. If you're root - why are you using the job system to kill your jobs?

> If you're root - why are you using the job system to kill your jobs?

Probably because you know the features of your shell and enjoy productivity.

Because thats a job for kill.

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