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Hello HN - I'm an engineering manager at Snap focused on mobile app performance tools. If you're impressed with Snap's product and are an engineer obsessed with mobile performance, hit me up. We're actively hiring in this space!

I have set up and run DMARC for quite a few domains and have always been at p=none, just because I never got enough confidence with existing tools. The switch to Fraudmarc has been just awesome for monitoring our DMARC implementation, and I have loved their product since they graduated Techstars. Kudos to the team for open sourcing their solution. It will definitely help improve email security for everyone!

Thanks for the kind words and we're happy to help. Lmk when we can AI-test the PWA on MoQuality.com.

From what I can tell, YC Startup School's first batch had 10K applicants, 3K accepted companies and 800 graduates presenting.

It was very helpful for us (MoQuality) and seems like a huge success overall. Thanks YC! :)

PS: Our presentation: https://www.startupschool.org/presentations/536

even considering that some companies have decided to not make a public presentation less than 30% graduating rate (3K to ~800) seens to be very low.

We're actually at a 56% graduation rate. Many companies opted to not make a video for various reasons, including wanting to remain in stealth or they felt they were too early.

I guess lot of companies just took the credits for AWS/Google/Microsoft and got tired with the weekly video calls...

Their loss...

The most important concept I learnt about coverage in school was the subsumption hierarchy. For those interested in more details, the Pezze-Young book does the best job of explaining these in chapters 12 & 13. http://ix.cs.uoregon.edu/~michal/book/

I'm surprised that in-practice i've seen only the use of statement & (sometimes) branch coverage being reported. I'd be curious to see if anyone (outside of aviation) has used any other coverage criteria.

I think this presentation is mainly about implementation-related coverage, and there are of course many other kinds (not sure if this is what you were asking about). For instance, in HW design, there is a bigger emphasis on "functional coverage", i.e. coverage derived from a description of what the Device Under Test should do, what the inputs look like etc..

Please see my post about the various kinds of coverage here: https://blog.foretellix.com/2016/12/23/verification-coverage...

Free is great. My only issue with LetsEncrypt is that the certificates are only valid for 3 months. It's a hassle to keep updating the certs...

I just switched to AWS Cert Manager last month from StartSSL, which is free if you're an AWS customer.

3 months expiry time was a deliberate choice to force users to automate the process. Ideally you would have a central store with a letsencrypt client, and all your actual web servers periodically fetch their certs from there.

That's great except the web server (except apache/nginx) needs to be restarted to load new certs, which isn't ideal for production. Many cloud hosting providers don't have an automated way to update certs, which makes it more tedious.

Both apache and nginx support graceful reloads which will reload the certificates without any downtime.

It's pretty cool. Congrats on your effort. On suggestion, you can make it more less memory intensive. On my MBP/Chrome, my fan started blowing at full speed while I was using Point. I compared the webpage's memory footprint with and without the extension and the difference is huge. 109MB vs 60MB for my personal webpage. It's even more on the verge example.

Thanks a lot. What did you use to determine this? I am using Chrome inspector's heap allocation profiler and not noticing this difference. We're very interested in fixing this!

Hi, I used the Chrome task manager (Under more tools) to check the memory usage on the page with/without the extension. Perhaps the profiler can give you more info.

yes, i believe its a nomination program and then google sends out invites randomly

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