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Cosine! Haha I love that Jeff Bezos story.

Wow, thank you for sharing!

Couldn't agree more. K-12 education is largely useless if the goal is learning.

well, you probably learn more in the end if you aren't killed as a child by your peers or something happen to you while wandering around randomly all day while all adults at work

That's amazing! I have two under the age of five and I hope they will still want to hang out with me when they're adults. Sounds like you're a great parent .

Curious, where is your farm?

SpaceX AI Electro Machine X International Space Farm XVIII

On mars

Does Matz still work at Heroku?

Do you know anything about Las Cruces? I know New Mexico State University is there so I was curious if there's any kind of tech community down there.

I'm looking to move somewhere exactly like this. Are you in the Santa Rosa area?

Just outside Winters, on the north edge of Solano county.

Winters is an underrated town, I think.

What part of New Mexico?

Sante Fe County, south of Santa Fe.

How do you like it out there? Is there any kind of tech scene in the area or in New Mexico more generally?

I've only been here 3 years, most of which has been a COVID pandemic. I also don't tend to ever seek out tech scenes anywhere, so I'm probably not the right person to ask. As a self-employed aging developer with my own FLOSS project that generates a good income, it's a fine place to live. If I was a younger developer eager to learn and expand, much harder to say if it would be a good choice (it might be, but it might not).

Curious, which county do you live in?

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