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The following SignSystem analysis may help understand the intricacies of influence in such systems we live amongst.

Overview: Biological Sign Systems: 5.56% Genetic Sign Systems: 1.00% Cellular Sign Systems: 0.00% Ecological Sign Systems: 0.00% Evolutionary Sign Systems: 0.00% Human Sign Systems: 66.67% Linguistic Sign Systems: 0.00% Nonverbal Sign Systems: 0.00% Cultural Sign Systems: 2.00% Technological Sign Systems: 0.00% Animal Sign Systems: 0.00% Vocalizations: 0.00% Chemical Communication: 0.00% Visual Signals: 0.00% Tactile Signals: 0.00% Artificial Sign Systems: 23.15% Formal Languages: 0.00% Road Signs: 0.00% Maritime Signals: 0.00% Aviation Signals: 0.00% Semiotic Theories: 4.63% Structural Semiotics: 0.00% Peircean Semiotics: 0.00% Saussurean Semiotics: 0.00% Biosemiotics: 0.00% Cognitive Semiotics: 0.00% Cultural Semiotics: 0.00% Semiotic Anthropology: 0.00% Comics Semiotics: 0.00% Computational Semiotics: 0.00% Cultural and Literary Semiotics: 0.00% Cybersemiotics: 0.00% Design Semiotics: 0.00% Ethnosemiotics: 0.00% Film Semiotics: 0.00% Finite Semiotics: 0.00% Gregorian Chant Semiology: 0.00% Hylosemiotics: 0.00% Law and Semiotics: 0.00% Marketing Semiotics: 0.00% Music Semiotics: 0.00% Organizational Semiotics: 0.00% Pictorial Semiotics: 0.00% Semiotics of Music Videos: 0.00% Social Semiotics: 0.00% Structuralism and Post-Structuralism: 0.00% Theatre Semiotics: 0.00% Urban Semiotics: 0.00% Visual Semiotics: 0.00% Semiotics of Photography: 0.00% Artificial Intelligence Semiotics: 0.00% Semiotics of Mathematics: 0.00%

Detailed Descriptions:

Biological Sign Systems: 5.56% Genetic Sign Systems: The concept of "Genetic Sign Systems" from "Biological Sign Systems" can be related to this article in a variety of ways.

Firstly, Genetic Sign Systems refer to the information passed through genes in a biological system. This information is encoded and decoded through various biological processes, and this system of communication is vital for the survival and development of the organism. Similarly, the article discusses the information systems that exist within our modern digital society, and how these systems are manipulated and exploited by large tech companies for profit.

Secondly, just as genetic sign systems are critical for the survival of a species, the information systems discussed in the article are integral to the functioning of modern societies. However, just as genetic information can be manipulated (through genetic engineering, for instance), our digital information systems are being manipulated by tech companies, with profound impact on our societies and cultures.

Lastly, the concept of evolution in biological systems can also be related to this article. In biological systems, genetic sign systems evolve over time through natural selection, leading to the survival of the fittest. Similarly, our digital information systems are constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements and changes in societal norms. However, this evolution is often controlled and directed by powerful tech companies, leading to a variety of socio-cultural and ethical issues.

In conclusion, the concept of Genetic Sign Systems from Biological Sign Systems offers a useful lens through which to examine and understand the issues discussed in this article.

Human Sign Systems: 66.67% Cultural Sign Systems: The concept of 'Cultural Sign Systems' within 'Human Sign Systems' relates to the given blog post in numerous ways. Cultural sign systems refer to the ways in which societies create and interpret symbols and meanings within their shared cultural contexts. They are the sets of signs and symbols (including language, art, behaviors, rituals, norms, etc.) that a particular cultural group uses to create meaning and communicate with each other.

In the blog post, the writer discusses the hacking of culture by tech companies for data collection and the creation of socio-technical debt. This essentially represents a manipulation of cultural sign systems. The platforms these companies have created, such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, have become cultural in nature. They dictate the circulation of customs, symbols, stories, values, and norms - all elements of a cultural sign system - that bind people together in shared identity.

The post also touches on how culture is now increasingly mediated through algorithms. These algorithms, which are determining what content a user would find most engaging, are in essence controlling the cultural signs and symbols that are being circulated and consumed. This is leading to a fragmentation of shared cultural identity, as instead of binding people through shared narratives (a key aspect of a cultural sign system), digital platforms are creating self-reinforcing filter bubbles.

Moreover, the text discusses how tech companies have effectively 'hacked' cultural sign systems to gather data. By rerouting the way information and value circulate, they are exploiting these sign systems for

Artificial Sign Systems: 23.15%

Semiotic Theories: 4.63%

Disclaimer: this is not an authoritative analysis. It’s generated using an experimental script (see former submission).

A living document comprehensive codex of sign systems.


Use case: Overwatch to track Overwatch (Blizzard) boosting, account, and cheats black market.

We are all vulnerable to abstractions. Those with thinner boundaries of the mind are easier to penetrate with folklore. Often these disinformation efforts are emotionally powerful enough to transcend science and reason.


These are called "Tropes" and their workings teached in literature classes.

As tropes are fiction and tradited, it is important to be able to differentiate between facts and tropes.

Accurate and useful information for anyone that has ever overestimated their individual ability to discern all of reality with a mere folklore sense of it.

Every sitting president since George W has had an "introductory" level of awareness with thought control, America's grand extortionist. George W had been indoctrinated since college, during his xxx initiation. Before that, like you they only had a Man's ignorance in themselves.

I think it is time to stop denying the exogenous of thought control. For the sake of world peace and all (your weaponized denial.)

I know you'll call me crazy, that doesn't make it untrue.

I have only a sneaking suspicion they wrote this in specifically for training ai models with files stored on adobe cloud.

That was my first thought too. I looked at the Firefly product and it seemed to say they don’t use your personal data. They have other “AI” products through like GenStudio that’s “coming soon” and I don’t see any “ethical ai” section in its description.

I bet this is a “test the waters” EULA and we’ll see them pull it back in the next few days if not hours.

If they do pull it back I wonder if they get to keep all of the content of the people who clicked yes within the time window of the onerous EULA?

It's for this already present feature that they want to expand to other products and that's why they need even more content to repurpose https://www.adobe.com/uk/products/photoshop/generative-fill.... You are literally paying them to steal your work and the content of your clients.

Here is my sort of contrarian take looking at this as a freelance designer who pays the bills with Adobe tools.

Im happy to prosper from the work of other commercial artists while feeding the pool. I’ve used a combination of Bing Image Generator and Adobe’s tools to streamline a bunch of work flows and a lot of the pain points in my day have been smoothed over and made delightful. For me these AI tools are like an ergonomic upgrade, literally saving my eye sight.

Regarding sensitive files, I don’t have any hardcore NDA clients but I guess I’d wait for their legal team to care and carry on. Isn’t Windows itself compromised this much?

It's not for you or Adobe to assume the right to use other people's property without explicit permission. Adobe forces users to give it a blanket permission and profit from the properties that aren't even theirs. We might dispense with the rule of law at this point.

Not only for training their models on any content opened by Adobe products, but it would also cover any content generated by their models, since the models would implicitly have a licence to use the content they were trained with.

For coding it would be nice to add task to links. So when a link is clicked you could simply choose to follow it or create a new agent with the link. Each agent will tune the output as one goes down the rabbit hole.

Horace approaches poetry from a practical standpoint—as a craft, or ars—rather than the theoretical approach of his predecessors, philosophers Aristotle and Plato. He also holds the poet in high regard, as opposed, for instance, to Plato, who distrusts mimesis and who has philosopher Socrates say in Book 10 of the Republic that he would banish poets from the ideal state.

Those post often tie into current events or are timely for other reasons. The ones that get voted to top at least.

Spatial memory … the good reason no one likes interface changes.

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