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> Just accept the grief and venting

Maintainers do not owe you this, in addition to maintaining the software that you can use for free. You're entitled to be upset, and they're just as entitled to say "please go somewhere else to vent, we're busy".

If they don't want to provide the best possible product and not accept outside contributions, they should not provide a free and open source repository.

"If you run an open source project, I'm entitled to have my contribution accepted"

_This_ is the sense of entitlement that people (rightly) disparage.

I think you'll get a different distribution of answers to this question from managers and ICs :)

Here's a link to the actual paper: https://tangchq74.github.io/XFaaS-SOSP23-Final.pdf

Well, it may be legal to create such a painting, but (depending on details) it may be a derivative work, in which case the original work's copyright still applies.

In other words, in your example, the painter is not necessarily free to distribute their painting while ignoring the original image's copyright.

Of course, this is not about the works. This is about the painter, and it's mostly not about exact duplication of the work but about works based on their previous work. You know, like other painters do.

Ostensibly, they want to prevent OpenAI, and any algorithm from making works based on their work.

But, frankly, what they really want is not really that. What they really want is to prevent it from making any works at all.

Great question. I tried it and I got `elephantmouse`. I was surprised by this, but FWIW I've never encountered this edge case in actual usage.

Nice app! How did you source the sounds? Are there permissively licensed tabla and santoor samples somewhere?

I used Swarshala (https://www.swarclassical.com/SwarShala/), which is pretty good imo.

I used the VST version, however they have samples available as well.

People here testing out the example on this page and reporting errors seem to be missing the fact that this demo is "trained" on one example. The linked paper[0] goes into error rates, and they get better pretty quickly with a few more examples.

[0]https://faculty.washington.edu/wobbrock/pubs/uist-07.01.pdf , page 8

Yes, and rather nicely done I think. The tagline in the footer is "Give ChatGPT root in prod. What could possibly go wrong?"

Yeah that plus the claim of AGI in the Enterprise plan tipped me off. But you're right, I was momentarily convinced this was real and was about to very tactfully tell them they were destined for failure. :)

It is completely reasonable and defensible to belive that someone would make the claim and try to flog such a product.

I am accepting investment in this idea should you be interested.

It's an interesting claim, but the post doesn't even try to support it with any kind of data.

A chess position, not a game (still very interesting though!)

to be more specific a snapshot of the board

Storing the game would give you the position though

It took me a moment to see your point: it might take less information to store the entire game using a chess engine by entropy coding than a single position

Yeah i guess after a certain number of moves it wouldn't but for the first half it would.

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