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Network layer blocking is almost never in the interest of the end user. It's typically used to block users from accessing sites they want to visit, like The Pirate Bay, or recently Russian Times and Sputnik News.

End users who want to protect themselves can easily install blacklists on their end. All major browsers support something like Google Safe Browsing out of the box, and these blacklists are more likely to be kept up-to-date than those of the average ISP.

There is no law that says /tmp must be on tmpfs, and historically this wasn't done, because tmpfs is limited in size to some faction of the kernel's memory, while /tmp may be used to store much larger files.

For example, GNU sort can sort arbitrarily large input files, which is implemented by splitting the input into sorted chunks that are written to a temporary directory, /tmp by default. But this is based on the assumption that /tmp can store significantly larger files than fit in memory, otherwise the point is moot. So using tmpfs makes /tmp useless for this type of operation.

In the end, it's a trade-off between performance and disk space. I also prefer to mount /tmp on tmpfs for performance reasons, but you should not assume that this is the case on all systems.

While I run /tmp on disk, I should point out that tmpfs is not limited to the size of RAM; contents of tmpfs can be swapped out just like any other memory allocation.

That is one of the reason why we should still have swap space.

> The pauses occur even [..] if you call mlock

I wonder how this is even possible. The only scenario I can think of involves a page fault on the page table itself (i.e., the page is locked into memory, but a page fault occurs during virtual-to-physical address translation). Does anyone know the real reason?

Probably because pages mapped, even if they are locked into memory are not allowed to stay dirty forever. Does this help? https://stackoverflow.com/a/11024388 (In contrast, if you mlocked but never wrote to the pages, you probably would not encounter read pauses)

Neither of which helps with elliptic curve cryptography.

Pollard's rho algorithm can be applied to not just numbers but any cyclic group, which secp256k1 (the elliptic curve used by Bitcoin) is.

the problem of finding discrete logarithms is the same problem as breaking elliptic curve cryptography.

Technically, while the two problems share the same name, the one on elliptic curves is matematically different from the one over finite fields modulo a prime number.

I politely don’t understand this. It’s taught in cryptography 101 that breaking ecc is just solving the discrete logarithm problem and there’s a ton of online articles about how to break ecc if you’ve solved the discrete logarithm problem (not that anyone has).

There's a family of discrete logarithm problems, one for each representation of a group. (Where I mean "representation" in the usual sense, not the precise mathematical one. It's an important distinction because the secp256k1 group, for instance, is isomorphic to all cyclic groups of the same order, but the discrete logarithm problem on secp256k1 is harder than the additive group on Z/<order of secp256k1>Z, because the isomorphism is computationally intractable.) So there isn't simply one monolithic discrete logarithm problem.

It's indeed called the discrete logarithm problem both in the case of finite fields modulo some number and elliptic curves modulo a number. In the first case, you are reversing an exponentiation, so you're indeed computing a logarithm. But in the case of elliptic curves you're not dealing with exponentiation, you're instead reversing the multiplication of a curve element (i. e. a point) by a scalar. The two problems (and the way you solve them) look similar in the end, and I think this is why we ended up using the same name. But, if we nitpick, those are different operations and so the two problems are different, despite the similarities.

Note for cryptographers/matematicians: I know that "reversing" isn't the correct term here, so you could accuse me of the same sin I'm calling out in my previous comment. But it makes the explanation shorter while still conveying the correct meaning in the end.

This is a fairly standard dynamic programming problem. The crucial insight is that if you take two pins with a single ball, you split the problem into two independent subproblems, so the core question is when to hit two pins at once.

This lends itself to a solution that doesn't use dictionaries or even lists. To decide whether you want to: skip the current pin, take the current pin alone, or take the current pin together with the previous, you only need to keep track of the previous pin's value, and the past two scores. For example, in Python:

    values = [3, 4, -1, 6, -1, 6, 6, 3, -1, -1, 6, -2]
    prev_val = prev_score = score = 0
    for val in values:
      prev_val, prev_score, score = val, score, max(score, score + val, prev_score + val * prev_val)
    print(score)  # 64
(This solution still has a list with the input values, but it is only iterated over, so you could just as easily read those one-by-one from an input file, for an O(1) memory solution.)

That's not what precise GC means.

Precise means that on a GC cycle, only true pointers to heap allocated objects are identified as roots, which means that an unreferenced object cannot be kept alive by a value that happens to have a similar bit pattern as a heap pointer. This guarantees that unreferenced objects are eventually cleaned up, but not that this cleanup happens immediately, certainly not as part of a busy loop. (Unless the system runs out of memory, but in that case, a GC iteration is required anyway.)

Since reference counting is GC, isn't reference counting a form of precise GC? That's certainly the scenario I had in mind reading what OP wrote where deallocation within a hot loop would be possible.

No it’s usually called conservative unless you have loop detection.

Oof. We used to just call that tracing.

Tracing is the technique to find all alive objects from roots. You dereference a pointer to find there some object, and then to recursively iterate over pointers in that object. But before that you need to choose what to use as roots, and here is a difference: you can be precise with choosing the roots, or to err on a conservative side, choosing more roots than you actually need.

That is too subtle of a distinction. Tracing demands roots. Why are we inventing a new classification where we have accurate versus inaccurate roots?

This classification was invented decades ago. I think in 1970s or even earlier. Garbage collection is a large field with lots of ideas and research behind it. There are different approaches to structure the heap, to find roots, to trace living objects. These different approaches oftentimes (but not always) replaceable, you can change how you find roots while leaving other things intact.

GC is a large field, it has its own terminology, and instead of asking "why are we inventing terminology", I'd ask "who we are to change the existing terminology".

i think it is still tracing, it's just a matter of identifying possible roots versus actual roots and constraints that fall out from that.

`busybox whoami` is probably fine, but having to write `busybox ls`, `busybox grep`, `busybox cp` etc. would get tedious quickly.

Shell aliases don't solve all problems, even if you do:

    alias rm="busybox rm"
    alias xargs="busybox xargs"
    # etc.
you still have to write `xargs -exec busybox rm`, because xargs won't use the shell alias.

But the main problem with this approach is that POSIX and LSB require certain binaries to be available at certain paths. When they're not, most shell scripts will just break.

The minimal standard solution is probably to create shell scripts for all of these, e.g. in /bin/ls:

    exec /bin/busybox ls
But this both adds runtime overhead (on every invocation!) and is quite wasteful in terms of disk space. Busybox boasts over 400 tools. At 4 KB per file, that's 1.6 MiB of just shell scripts. Of course that can be less if the file system uses some type of compression which is common on embedded systems where storage space is small, but it still seems to defeat the purpose of using busybox to create a minimal system.

Well /bin/sh is also busybox, so I think you'd need

    #!/bin/busybox sh
    exec /bin/busybox ls


Great point!

Actually this observation invalidates the whole setup. Because even though you could define /bin/sh itself as:

    #!/bin/busybox sh
    exec /bin/busybox sh
Then you still cannot use #!/bin/sh in any other shell scripts, because for historical reasons the interpreter of a script is not allowed to be another interpreted script, it must be a binary. So /bin/sh pretty much has to be an actual binary.

Your logic is correct but you are off-by-one. 1 guess gets you 1 number, so the formula is 2^k - 1, and 7 guesses thus covers 127 numbers.

You can also view it as a recurrence:

  f(1) = 1
  f(n) = 2*f(n - 1) + 1 = 2^n - 1
But your binary search tree example is more intuitive.

Yes, you are right. In this game, you can know the answer after 6 guesses, but then you also have to tell him, which counts as the 7th guess.

It's hilarious that the sketchy lawyers behind this site demand to know the “[..] details on the nature of your searches, websites visited and or purchases made [in Incognito mode]”.

In theory you should only get paid if you were actually harmed. For example, I didn't apply for the Sony PS3 Linux class action because I never installed Linux so I never lost anything when they took Linux away. Getting back to this case, I suspect virtually no one can list specific harms due to incognito mode being slightly less incognito than they thought.

> I didn't apply for the Sony PS3 Linux class action because I never installed Linux so I never lost anything when they took Linux away.

I'd argue that you lost the ability to install linux on your device. You may have never made the choice to install it, but the option was yours, Sony advertised that it was an option you'd have if you gave them your money and then they took that from you after they got your cash.

That said, I would agree that the people most harmed should be the most compensated.

That's hilarious

Torrents of copyrighted material.

I watched hella porn

It's common for neural networks to struggle with negative prompting. Typically it works better to phrase expectations positively, e.g. “be brief” might work better than ”do not write long replies”.

But surely Anthropic knows better than almost anyone on the planet what does and doesn't work well to shape Claude's responses. I'm curious why they're choosing to write these prompts at all.

Maybe it would be even worse without it? I've found that negative prompting is often ignored, but far from always ignored so it's still useful.

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