It's both rather mature and completely immature to my understanding. There's a C#-based React Native codebase that's been mature for a while but practically no one uses today unless they have to. There's a brand spanking new, mostly finished C++/WinRT codebase that Microsoft took on building themselves (from scratch). It still has the Beta tag on it the last I checked, many C#-era plugins need extensive rewrites to support it, and it doesn't look like Facebook and the React Native core teams entirely trust it just yet for production development. (On the other hand, it looks like the implication is that the Office team has been dogfooding it from day one, it's roadmap is driven by whatever the Office team needs to ship to production today, and if there is a confidence bar for Microsoft dev tools "the Office team depends on it" has always been an interesting maturity bar.)
Hi, I had a related question. I want to make a VSCode extension for highlighting state and props in React in a different colour. How would I do that. Any tips ?
The idea is similar to code snippets in vscode, but here the difference is you can specify any arbitrary node.js script to run.
So if you select some text in vscode and press a shortcut key , your script is given the selected text as first argument(and other options in second argument like absolutePath etc) and whatever is returned from your script , the selected text will be changed to that value
See my "Idiomatic Redux" blog post series [0] for info on how Redux was designed, why it works the way it does, and the implementation details of both the Redux core, React-Redux, and our new Redux Toolkit package.
I also recommend the post "Build Yourself a Redux" [1] as the best "build a mini Redux" post I've seen.
Rodrigo Pombo's "Didact" series [2] does the same process but for React, showing how to build a miniature reconciler that even includes hooks.
I also have links to further articles about React's implementation [3] as well.
Finally, I specifically recommend reading my post "A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior [4] and Dan Abramov's extensive article "A Complete Guide to `useEffect`" to better understand how React behaves and how to use it correctly.
you could possible write an IDE plugin that hides the types information and only show them on hover etc. I don't think this reason is that strong of a point IMHO.