On a related note, I know the candidates have nothing to do with this, but I'm extremely impressed with Barack Obama's web presence. I was also very impressed with Mitt Romney's web presence during the election.
I'm surprised it's not 1080p or similar quality yet. That technology is so cheap these days; I'm sure it'll be a few more years before all security cams are recording in HD as the norm.
vag.io is no longer available. But vagio.com is. I have a feeling it wont be in a little while after I make this post. Sucks domain squatters are such fucking scumbags. Plus nobody is interested in the term 'vagio' in the first place or else both domains would have been taken before today, so there's no demand or means to make a profit off of them. I hate domain squatters... the worst form of scum on earth!
Could somebody explain to me the imporance of .io domains in today's market? It seems they are very hot right now, especially in the startup world and I think they could even become as popular as .com.
My bash does this automatically and I do not have a ~/.inputrc file. I'm on Mac OS X 10.8.2 using the Terminal app (which is a bash command line interface). I assumed this was a default feature of bash but apparently not. If somebody can explain to me why I have this feature by default, I would be grateful.
Bash will up/down between past commands, but it's unfiltered. This lets you type the first few characters you know you're looking for to find it faster.
BarackObama.com is hosted with Amazon Web Services as well. We can know by examining the domain servers when you look at the [whois record](http://whois.domaintools.com/barackobama.com) for that domain. (On a related note, the domain registrar used is GoDaddy)
It makes sense - government needs to host their files somehow, as we are moving into this digital age.
I don't see anything wrong with it, though it will further cement Amazon's standing as a big business superpower.
Thank you! I've been wondering how people do italics and the like. Your post helped me find an HN comment [1] which discussed the Arc source code for highlighting.
I haven't thought about this as much as you, but I see the recent increase in Bitcoin's value related to the recent rise of gold value - people are starting to lose faith in the USD and wanting to put their money somewhere else. Gold has been sharply increasing in value since 2001: http://i.imgur.com/PTyNacP.png
I do remember that there was a Bitcoin crash around November 2011, though, so maybe you are right that it will happen again.