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Fixed, thanks.

Great post! I'm a diehard embedded C programmer, so any new language tidbit is always welcome. Thanks! ;)

Also, "Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques" (https://ritdml.rit.edu/bitstream/handle/1850/5112/PWilsonPro...) is a great survey paper, and _The Garbage Collection Handbook_ by Jones, et. al (http://gchandbook.org/) is an excellent book covering the field as of pretty recently.

But, isn't accessibility excruciatingly important here?

This post (http://modelviewculture.com/pieces/it-s-not-you-it-s-the-sys...) mentions many ways well-intentioned projects can miss the mark, because of these kinds of issues.

Actually, an app is more likely to be on a user's phone for this kind of use... Although you can bookmark a website to your homescreen, most users don't know how to do that and even less actually do that.

A mobile app is more likely to be on hand and easy to open in case of a run-in. (Although it's not likely someone would remember to do so if something were happening)

You can make a website and then an app which is just a wrapper around the website.

There's value in knowing how it's implemented.

Further, there is value in knowing what makes the incorrect ways incorrect. :)

Also, even in the article it noted to use a library if your language allows.

I decided against software USB because the receiver is already spending much of its time trying to meet the real-time limits from the radio decoding, and the USB would be its own big undertaking.

As I stressed in the preceding post (http://spin.atomicobject.com/2014/05/16/radio-system-from-sc...), I'm intentionally doing these things the hard way, so I can learn how more of these things work at a deeper level than "use built-in functionality, configure to run at this baud rate, done". Otherwise, yeah, I'd use a 32-bit ARM chip and a better SMD transceiver. :)

Hello, author here. As I said, mostly stressed in the first post, I'm doing things the hard way as a learning exercise, building a bunch of infrastructure myself. I would use a better radio transceiver and a chip with actual USB and UARTs, etc. if it wasn't a self-study project. :)

There's no way to know that the payload has been received - they're transmitters, not transceivers. The messages are idempotent anyway, so just retransmitting makes the whole system simpler.

Thanks for letting me know. I made sure the ATtiny84s could be re-flashed in circuit in case something like this came up. (I also have 315MHz modules, and will prefer those in the future. Swapping out the transmitters and receivers will only take a bit of resoldering.)

Software Defined Radios are also fascinating! That's a very different post, though. :)

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