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For the heavy lifting of the actual linear algebra computations, these tensor computation libraries typically use some variant of BLAS or eigen.

There was a time when GCC had to be installed by compiling from source. Doing so involved compiling the GCC source with the native compiler, and then using the resulting binary to compile the GCC source again.

I remember the install instructions advising "festina lente". The Latin phrase translates to "make haste slowly".

Wouldn't GPL v3 be as effective as AGPL in this context?

GPL v3 isn't a poison pill for *aaS where the software is not distributed but runs in a data center - unlike AGPL.

Is BitTorrent more convenient than Netflix?

Torrents are very inconvenient compared to many streaming services.

Therefore, you would expect most people to opt for Netflix. (And by and large I'd expect Netflix to be more popular in mass than tormenting at this point for places where it's available.)

But what if it's not available where you live (That's inconvenient), doesn't have the content you want (That's inconvenient), or you want a file you can play offline that isn't allowed to be downloaded on the Netflix app?

Convenience wins almost every time, but not having the option to do something (be it for lack of $$$ or availability) isn't convenient so that's when more people turn to piracy.

My statement (as can be seen from its GP post) uses convenience to mean ease of use, not in the titles available sense that you (and the two following posts) do.

Far more convenient when you consider that Netflix's catalog of reasonably mainstream as-seen-in-theaters movies has been shrinking for years.

As the end user I don't care "why" their catalog has been shrinking, I only care that something I watched last year and want to watch again is no longer available on that service.

And no, I'm not going to sign up for a dozen different services just on the off chance that one of them will have what I want to see at any given point.

In my experience in the last five years, Netflix's batting average for actually hosting movies I want to see is around 20%. In terms of convenience, if they don't have the movie at all it's kind of like dividing by zero.

No but it is more convenient than lesser known streaming services like popcorn or certain kodi plugins that don't work well.

Depends on what you want to see. If Netflix has it in your country in your language of choice: Netflix wins, else BitTorrent wins.

No but there are piracy streaming apps that are more convenient than netflix.

Top of the line Arria-10 FPGAs have about 1500 floating point MACs [1]. Using such a device, Intel claims ~1 TFLOP sustained for GEMM, the standard matrix multiply operation [2].

[1] https://www.altera.com/content/dam/altera-www/global/en_US/p...

[2] https://www.altera.com/content/dam/altera-www/global/en_US/p...

I would give a very strong health warning about taking those numbers seriously. What that 2nd reference doesn't make clear is that it is NOT a standard Matrix Multiply Operation, it's an 11 row by 16 column Matrix Multiplication.

This is important because unlike in software where performance scales well. For FPGA you would have to decompose every matrix multiplication into 11x16 style matrix multiplies. They don't mention this overhead in their specs.

Even calling them Hindu-Arabic would be preferable to the usual custom of labeling them simply Arabic (for e.g. in LaTeX).

Some of Mcron's innovations[1]:

> The new idea is to read the required command instructions, work out which command needs to be executed next, and then sleep until the inferred time has arrived. On waking the commands are run, and the time of the next command is computed.

> Each user looks after his own files in his own directory. He can use more than one to break up complicated cron specifications. Each user can run his own daemon. This removes the need for suid programs to manipulate the crontabs, and eliminates many security concerns that surround all existing cron programs.

> Vixie cron is implemented in 4500 lines of C code; mcron is 1500 lines of scheme, despite the fact that it offers many more features and much more flexibility, and complete compatibility with Vixie cron.

[1] https://www.gnu.org/software/mcron/design.html

One would have to check the timeline to determine whether the second was, in fact, an Mcron innovation. Uwe Ohse's uschedule, which has been around since 2001, also works by individual users having files in their own directories with their own daemons.

* https://ohse.de./uwe/uschedule.html

* http://jdebp.eu./Softwares/uschedule/

Modern alternatives to BIND that I have had good (though limited) experience with:

- unbound (recursive resolver) https://www.unbound.net

- nsd (authoritative server) https://www.nlnetlabs.nl/projects/nsd

You can also run NSD as an authoratative frontend to your BIND servers, and unbound as a caching resolver with forward-zone entries to your BIND server for your domains.

This is what I do, which allows me the full gamut of BIND features without exposing those servers directly to any networks (there is a non-routed vlan that nsd/unbound/bind servers use). This is using split-horizon, DDNS from ISC DHCP and DNSSEC, so not a non-trivial setup, but it is also my home network setup so not so heavy duty as to be particularly hard to set up and automate.

I also have a round-robin DNSCRYPT setup hooked into the whole thing for semi-anonymity of queries.

The GNU Artanis[1] web framework seems interesting...

[1] http://web-artanis.com

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