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If you're in SF in march and interested in Max/MSP, my conf/music festival, Algorithmic Art Assembly, has a workshop on Creating Digital Instruments with Max/MSP - https://aaassembly.org/workshops/ (conf also features Miller Puckette, Curtis Roads and many more!)

That's neat, I live in SF and would love to submit my proposal for this event on AI & Music possible?

All good recs so far. Here's a few I haven't seen mentioned yet -

Computing in the Middle Ages: A View From the Trenches 1955-1983 - Severo Ornstein

Early British Computers - Simon Lavington

Geeks Bearing Gifts - Ted Nelson (and also Computer Lib/Dream Machines)

more recently - UNIX: A History and a Memoir by Brian Kernighan

Charlie Roberts live at Algorithmic Art Assembly - super good stuff! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnqS8hQVhXA&t=7s

currently working my way through this book, and implementing it in C++ - very good book! I'm really enjoying it.

Olivia Jack will be presenting a talk on Hydra and doing live coded visuals at https://aaassembly.org/ in San Francisco, March 22nd

Yeah, the Friday workshop is women and non-binary only. TidalCycles, the Saturday workshop, actually uses SuperCollider as the sound synthesis engine however.

the Juan Atkins album from that piece is still sounding super fresh - https://randsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/sonic-sunset

great, thanks! I've been using Will Pirkle's books, which are really good, to learn how to build a synth and make audio effects (http://www.willpirkle.com/). Nice to have a second resource to compare against.

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