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Cambridge Analytica didn't need all data available to everyone. They had access to an API exactly as you'd describe: with ACLs and privacy options.

They didn't have all the data Facebook has though, just the data people explicitly granted them via the ACLs. That includes data they had access to view, but that's ok as it's the nature of social networking and communication. Once you send someone information, they can do with it as they please including share it with 3rd parties (unless you have some sort of contract saying that's forbidden).

If there's a scarcity of bartenders or cashiers, then their wages will go up until that scarcity is filled.

In a theoretical economy, maybe. In reality you'll have a small increase in wages, but likely business owners being chronically short staffed, going out of business, or choosing not to start a business. Even if wages to go up perfectly like in an econ textbook, that will increase the cost of goods and services which may not matter much for the wealthy residents but will make the city much less attractive for visitors/tourists and cut into the elevated wages. Remember, workers are consumers.

There's also the issue that raising wages will not fix the problem if landlords capture the wage increase by raising the price of housing. It's all about buying power, the absolute numbers mean nothing.

The free market can't solve all of our problems, and even if it could housing in particular is too important to wait on supply and demand forces to fix everything. Moving has very high material/time/emotional costs and humans need uninterrupted housing to maintain a decent life.

Unless there exists _any_ kind of unemployment - in that case people will travel for a ridiculous amount of time just to have a job, thus ruining their chances of a decent private life.

Things do not just adjust themselves as in the theories, weaker people are just squeezed harder. When they can't be squeezed any more, things _may_ change - but when is that?

The working poor are a pretty good example of this.

This is the theory, the practice is that there will never be scarcity since if the real alternative for these people is unemployment, they will still accept punishing conditions (long commutes, long hours and barely making the ends meet).

It's one of the cases where the market is working as expected (low wages since the offer is high), but it doesn't really translate in benefit for (some of) the people involved.

About 3-10 people worked on this full time depending on which day in the 3 week development cycle you looked at. Most of the others helped out in their spare time in one way or another

the coins were not lost, but stolen through the transaction malleability bug

good point.

Skype has 663 million "accounts", very few of these were active.

According to http://www.statisticbrain.com/skype-statistics/, only 31 million Skype users are active as of 2012.

The statistics sounds BS (as a lot of them are).

FWIW, I don't know anyone (across 5 countries of friends and business partners) who doesn't use Skype.

Skype's use prevails mostly around international calling, video conferencing and professional chats. It isn't really an everyday use thing like WhatsApp which, where dominating, is an entire replacement of SMS. My Skype account gets sparingly used for anything else than talking to a client.

That could make sense, because that's what I've seen it used for: international calling, video conferencing and professional chats.

Still, wouldn't that amount to more than 30M users?


I'm part of the team that built this which came from different parts of FB. I think we'll be getting some much needed rest after today, then I hope we can start telling the story of how we built it.

Hi I viewed the fb lookback video that was made for me but I couldn't share it at the time of viewing since I was at work. When I went back to try to view it, it's no longer a video but looked more like a thank you message with a bunch of previous profile pictures... I was wondering how I could retrieve the video as I would like to share it? Thank you in advance!

Will we be able to create a new video again? I deleted pics out of my album because I forgot they were even there and then the video disappeared and all I get is the thank you one...GREAT JOB though, what a wonderful idea. I have enjoyed so many people's videos

Ok that's probably what happened to me. After I viewed the video, I deleted some pics in my albums and I'm afraid it affected the video... and I would actually like to request for a new video.... please? Thank you!

The same as me :( theres no way to recover it?

How long did it take to process?

Also, is there a reason the video becomes unavailable on /lookback after the first time you watch it? Damn near broke my heart when it vanished... had to get it back from cache.

Hi pls can someone tell me why two hours ago I had a video and now the only thing I have its jus a "Thank you Leey..." Really want my video back ? :(

Please do.

I accidentally deleted my Facebook movie on an iPad. Now Facebook won't let me see it again. Is there a way to recover it?

Same here - hope to get to see it again, though. Is it some way to recover it?

I sign up too for any info :) I'd be very interested the rendering stack you picked.

Please share on HN when you can!

The example they use is navigational query for "Southwest Airlines". As far as I'm concerned, the deep links to South West airlines' site such as "Flight Schedules" are actual search results.

Ignoring that, it's unfair to use one example and say that search results are 12%. Is it 12% average, 12% median, or 12% for navigational queries only?

I sampled a few of the reviews and the regularity of text patterns is just plainly obvious. I don't believe these are real reviews.

https://linkedin.com 301s to http://linkedin.com for me. Should I be suspicious or do browsers validate the certificate even during re-directs?

The certificate is validated before the 301 is sent.

Revenue sharing could create perverse incentives to game the system. For example, imagine someone in Africa changing their location to United States and liking Gucci, Prada, BMW to become a honeypot. Or pretending to be a celebrity.

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