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You're incorrect. I know bash and the syntax is not user friendly for me.

You only had a response to the powershell part?

> You're incorrect. I know bash and the syntax is not user friendly for me.

We're not disagreeing then. I specifically said I also felt bash felt cryptic back when I thought I "knew" it, but didn't really know it, as it turned out. Casual familiarity, or even frequent but superficial friction with bash definitely leaves one feeling they're dealing with incomprehensible symbols and hackiness most of the time.

But, the thing is, I'm not "guessing" you don't know it well enough. I'm inferring it clearly from how you described it in the text. Because it reminds me exactly of how I used to think about it too, before I invested the time and learned to love it. Perhaps you think you know it well enough, but the way you talk about it suggests you don't really. Unless of course you intentionally chose very contrived examples to push a point, but it didn't seem to me that that's what you were trying to do.

That's not to say that once you learn it properly you will certainly 100% percent love it and ditch PS of course. I'm just saying from the way you describe how you work with it, you don't sound like someone who's really really gotten comfortable with it and learned to rely on it. And if and when you did, I suspect you'd start liking it more. Happy to be proven wrong of course (not that that's important either way, we're just random guys expressing personal opinions over the internet :p ).

> You only had a response to the powershell part?

Yes. I don't really have a strong opinion (positive or negative) about the rest. Nicely written though, thanks for the read.

The bit that I did agree with quite a bit was the sad state of macs. But I don't think that necessarily makes the current Windows experience the pinnacle of development; it just makes macs worse. (how the Apple marketing machine manages to promote macs as "the best at X" when they're arguably pretty consistently the worst at X, for most Xs, is absolutely mindblowing to me).

> But, the thing is, I'm not "guessing" you don't know it well enough. I'm inferring it clearly from how you described it in the text. Because it reminds me exactly of how I used to think about it too, before I invested the time and learned to love it. Perhaps you think you know it well enough, but the way you talk about it suggests you don't really. Unless of course you intentionally chose very contrived examples to push a point, but it didn't seem to me that that's what you were trying to do.

Wow, so you have this incredible ability to telepathically read other people's minds and you don't use it to solve murders? It's incredible that you, and you alone have the ability to know what's truly going on in someone's brain simply by reading a paragraph on the internet.

I apologise I upset you. It was not my intention.

My intent was to get you to consider that maybe there's more to bash than you may think (based on what you were saying about it), because I think it's a very rewarding journey. The intent wasn't to disparage your ability in bash.

But in any case, PS is good too. Use what you enjoy most, I guess.

You still don't get it, and based on your personality you likely never will

Its not as popular to distribute projects as source on windows, but ive personally built a dozen or so libs and dependencies from cmake into msbuild/visual studio SLN files, so it actually does happen because I've found that Linux devs don't tend to distribute precompiled binaries at all. I think this trend it changing now though because I see a lot of github projects releasing binaries for a lot of different platforms in the releases section.

I wrote it after reading several articles on Microsoft's docs page which are all stories of developers moving from Mac to Windows. All of those stories boiled down to: "WSL makes it easier to have the same development workflow on the PC as on a mac". I felt this was short-changing a lot of the other features of windows that I like and wanted to point those out and make the point that windows is, I believe, a good development platform even without WSL.

Also, many people here are saying "yes, I know all about powershell and the terminal and path variables, this is all obvious", but my experience IRL with developers who use macbooks is that they haven't touched windows since maybe 7 and literally did not know anything about the various features here. So if the information here is unconvincing, thats fine. If its not news to you, then you're probably not the kind of person I'm talking about


See, now that makes a lot more sense. As someone who owns a Mac for personal projects and uses Linux+Windows at work, the article felt like a random collection of facts. I think with that upfront information and a little structure it could be an interesting read.

Git exists on windows without git bash. Just run `choco install git` and i recommend `choco install poshgit` too for some helpful terminal hints like current branch

The PATH variable in windows has a low character limit but if your path is properly set up as a REG_EXPAND_SZ, then you can just add more and more variables to it and I dont think the expanded version counts toward the character limit. One reason you shouldn't save your path variable changes from your terminal is that it implicitly converts to REG_SZ on save

Yeah, that is what I do. It seems really sloppy though, a tactic for dealing with poor design

I often run into the issue of forgetting to set node affinity in my deployments and my x86 backend not running on an ARM server we have for some reason (nothing we do requires ARM, so idk why we have those nodes)

OS class is not about Linux, its about OS theory. You learn the algorithms for priority queues and preempting tasks and even build a simple OS (depending on the class). Very little of it is about how IRL operating systems/kernels like NT or Linux work, though they did use some examples to demonstrate. Forking was more in Systems programming class, but that class was more about C, system calls, linking, and gdb. Not much time was dedicated to the syntax of shell scripts.

"forking" has absolutely nothing to do with "the syntax of shell scripts".

Proving my point more and more here…

Again, try to remain polite. I understand how forking works. Knowing how shebangs work is not something they teach directly. Forking is.

so you know about fork but not about exec. It's not impolite to point out you didn't know something.

It's impolite to get offended.

No, im referring to your original comment calling me a "typical noob". It was an immature comment which contributes nothing, and again I think youre capable of more maturity than that.

Obviously, this conversation is based on your misunderstanding of the original post and so I dont think its a worthwhile use of either of our time to enumerate the chapters and system calls from a college class. Knowing how processes are created in a generic operating system is not the same thing as knowing how shebangs work on unix-like systems. Again, OS class is about how to MAKE an operating system, not how to use one

Why are half the comments about chatbots

Half of all comments are now about chatbots.

I'm a little afraid of the implications.

half of the internet is now just chatbots taking to chatbots. it's why the internet has been slow lately

This was a rude comment, and I think youre better than this

I'm disappointed that 90% of the discussion is on the first 3 paragraphs of the article. I wrote about C++ and DirectX, too.

Almost nobody works with DirectX outside of game engine developers working on low level parts of the renderer, and there are probably only a few hundred of those worldwide. That's why the new generation (dx12, metal, Vulkan) are so painful to use. No need to make them usable when so few people use them and they want performance and control.

I just think nobody read that far

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