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Although, I do think that competitive programmers can become great programmers more often than not.

They practice writing correct for-loops, branches, recursive functions, efficient graph searches, input-output, data structure uses etc. in a very fast pace. To be able to do that requires you to chunk a significant amount of information.

I found that doing stuff very fast correctly makes you learn and internalize concepts quickly and more deeply.

This is all unfortunately anecdotal, I'm not sure how to google for such research (not just in cp but in "learning to do stuff fast improves learning rate").

Yet every instrument I've played and tried to learn, the moment I tried to play stuff fast but correctly (be it drums or piano), I had to improve my technique, had to internalize the rhythm patterns (more complex rhythms are insanely difficult to do fast), memory etc. With it came a significant amount of progress.

Same thing happened to me with language. I was speaking English for 20 years but still had trouble with fluent pronunciation (despite my writing feeling natural), I knew what I had to say but somehow my tongue got all tangled. Yet, when I tried learning some rap songs that use insanely fast diction, my speaking improved up to a point where it felt normal.

I do not think it is a problem. When ordering from a shop, you pay VAT of the country of origin and you won't be taxed in your own when the product arrives. Of course, if the seller tried a little bit harder, they can charge you the tax of your own country and reap the profits.

> you pay VAT of the country of origin and you won't be taxed in your own

No, this is the whole problem. If the total sales volume to the buyer's country is under a certain limit the above holds true. When you reach the sales limit for that country, the seller is responsible for applying that country's VAT instead, and annually clear VAT with the respective tax office.

As you can imagine, keeping track of all these things can quickly become tricky. Not business ending tricky but hard enough to become a problem. A consumer should be presented with prices including tax to avoid surprises, but now prices have to be adjusted at the order stage.

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